
Cherry expert warns to watch out for fruit fly larvae


For those who love cherries, the months of May, June and July are a time to fill your belly.

As soon as cherries start appearing, it’s a rush to buy them.

As well as being delicious, cherries have a low glycemic index and antioxidant properties, making them an excellent addition to the daily diet. Despite their benefits, not everything is good about cherries.

Like many other fruits, cherries are not immune to pests and diseases, and it’s important to take care when eating them.

The fruit fly is very common and can cause a few problems when eating cherries. What happens is that this animal makes a small hole in the cherry to deposit its larva, which feeds on the fruit. When the larva grows up, it ends up making another hole.

The recommendation is to open the cherry in half before eating it to make sure there are no surprises.