Tips for the home

Sowing in July: Which fruit and vegetables you can still sow now


As the first vegetables are already being harvested, space is created in the beds. That’s a good thing! We reveal which fruit and vegetables and which herbs and flowers you can still sow in July (and even in August).

If everything has gone well, there will be plenty to harvest in the garden or on the balcony. And free up space for new plants. In July – and even in August – there are plenty of vegetables, herbs and summer flowers for which now is exactly the right time to sow.

Sowing calendar: Which plants can I sow in summer?

Now there are guaranteed to be no more night frosts, which means that June and July are the right time to sow cold-sensitive plants directly into the open ground.

Now is a particularly good time to sow fast-growing vegetables such as carrots, radishes and lettuce. In our overview, you will find a large selection of vegetables, herbs and summer flowers that are ideal for sowing now.

When sowing in summer, it is important that you water the seeds and later the young plants regularly so that the soil does not dry out completely. The temperatures in summer are high and unfortunately the small plants often dry out faster than you can react. Therefore, water in the morning and evening on hot days. Important here:

  • It is best to water early in the morning and in the evening, never during the midday heat. The water evaporates too quickly.
  • As a general rule, always water the soil, not the leaves of the seedlings.
  • Make sure that the seeds are not washed away when watering.
  • Do not use cold water, but rather lukewarm water.

Tip: When choosing seeds, make sure that they are suitable for year-round outdoor cultivation. Some seeds are specially designed for sowing in spring or autumn.

Sowing calendar July

These vegetables are suitable for sowing in July:

  1. Cauliflower (winter variety)
  2. Beans
  3. broccoli
  4. Chinese cabbage
  5. Endive lettuce
  6. Peas
  7. Lamb’s lettuce
  8. Fennel
  9. Spring onion
  10. Kohlrabi (you can also harvest and utilise the kohlrabi leaves later)
  11. Herbs such as chives, dill, parsley, peppermint, thyme
  12. Swiss chard
  13. Carrots (summer varieties)
  14. Radicchio salad
  15. Radishes
  16. Radish
  17. Beetroot
  18. Celery
  19. Spinach
  20. Onion

Flowers you can sow in July:

  1. Bearded carnation
  2. gold lacquer
  3. horned violets
  4. lupins
  5. purslane
  6. Pansies
  7. Forget-me-not
  8. Miracle flower

Four reasons why organic seeds are better than conventional seeds

  • No chemical pesticides or artificial fertilisers are used in the cultivation of mother plants for organic seeds.
  • Conventional seeds are often chemically treated to make them more durable.
  • Conventional seeds are often not seed-proof, i.e. they only sprout once and cannot be propagated naturally. No seeds can be obtained from these plants for the next season.
  • Conventional seeds are often genetically modified.
  • Organic seeds preserve genetic plant diversity. Organic farms are often committed to preserving old varieties.