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How and When to Trim Lavender: Secrets to Keeping the Plant Magically Beautiful


Add bright purple flowers with a delicious scent to the mix and you’ve got one of the country’s most popular garden plants: lavender. Keep the plant in great shape by following these tips on how and when to prune lavender.

Different varieties of lavender

There are about 25 species of lavender, and with all hybrids added, the total comes to a whopping 150. In our gardens, however, we see two: the Lavandula angustifolia and the crested lavender Lavandula stoechas.

Lavender as a herb

Lavender is both a shrub and an herb. Make a pot of tea, incorporate it into (stews) dishes or garnish a fresh dessert with it. You will also often find lavender in a mixture of Provencal herbs.

Is it necessary to prune lavender?

With lavender, the more lush it is, the more it sparks that idyllic French summer feeling. If you let the plant run its course, it will continue to bloom and grow bigger and bigger. There is no need to prune it, unless you find it too big or too tall. Garden expert Sjors de Kroon advises: ‘Keep lavender compact by pruning it back in the spring when temperatures rise. Do this around late March, early April.’ You can also prune the garden plant into shape a bit after flowering.

How should you prune lavender?

The video below shows you step by step how and when lavender pruning is best. Even without a green thumb you can’t go wrong.

When should lavender be pruned?

Lavender pruning consists of two phases: a first pruning in September, shortly after flowering, and a second pruning at the beginning of April. So put these times in your calendar.

  1. Cosmetic pr uning of lavender is done in early September, when it has bloomed heavily in July and August and is now not so pretty. Prune it into shape for the winter.
  2. Drastic pruning of lavender is done in late March, early April. After this it will be nice and compact again to bloom optimally in the summer.

Pruning lavender in the first year

The most important thing about pruning lavender is to do it at the right time. Start pruning when the plants are still young. Prune lavender at least once or twice more the first year. By doing so, you will stimulate the growth and flowering of the plant.

Main pruning of lavender in the spring.

Once the harshest frosts have passed, between late March and early April, main pruning takes place. Cut back about a third of the plant with hedge shears. Garden expert Sjors tips, “Prune lavender back to the woody part of the plant, about 20 to 30 centimeters above the ground. Always make sure some leaves remain on the branches, or you’ll prune back too far and the plant won’t sprout.

Budding lavender flowers

In spring, during the flowering of the lavender, it is wise to top the purple flowers a few times. This allows the plant to grow better in width, making it fuller. With young plants, you can do this about three times. This way, the plant will flower a little later, but it will grow a lot older.

Formative pruning for lavender

In the fall, prune lavender into shape. Prune the overflowing flowers with hedge shears. Never prune the plant later than where there are still shoots. This will encourage the formation of new shoots and prevent the plant from becoming unsightly and falling apart.

Problems with pruning lavender

If there is a lot of bare wood behind the flowering lavender, it is a good idea to prune the lavender back completely. Make sure you do not cut back into the wood, otherwise the plant may not grow back. So prune just above the point where there are leaves on the branches, then it can hardly go wrong.