Practical tips

Clean radiators like this are a great way to improve efficiency and save money.


Radiators are often one of the most neglected areas during routine household cleaning. Cleaning them is not easy, which is why many people skip them. However, it is during the heating season that it is important to keep radiators not only functional but also clean. The dust and dirt that collects in them can have a negative impact on the health of the occupants of the home. In this article, we’ll take a look at why cleaning radiators is so important and how to clean them effectively.

When does the heating season start?

According to a decree of the Ministry of Economy, the heating season is the period when it is necessary to ensure continuous heating of buildings, depending on the current weather conditions. Heating is usually switched on when the temperature falls below 10°C for three consecutive days. The season usually begins in late September or early October. However, the decision to start heating is up to the building manager.

Why is cleaning radiators before the season important?

Many people only clean radiators superficially – wiping off dust with a cloth or vacuum cleaner. However, dirt that collects inside the radiator can cause serious problems at high temperatures. As the air heats up, dust is released and inhaled, making it difficult for healthy people to breathe. For allergy sufferers, this dust is even more dangerous as it can aggravate allergy symptoms and even pose a health risk.

In addition, unclean radiators cause dust to accumulate more quickly in the home, leading to more frequent cleaning. What’s more, unpleasant odours can be caused by dirt ‘burning’ onto the surface of the radiator as it heats up.

How to clean radiators?

The easiest way to clean radiators is to use a bottle brush, which can get into hard-to-reach places. If this method is not enough, you can buy a special brush for cleaning radiators. This costs between €10 and €20 and will make your job easier.
Another option is a simple rag and lanyard trick – attach the moistened rag to the lanyard and pull it up and down between the radiator fins. For those who want to clean efficiently, a hairdryer is a good option – the airflow from the hairdryer will blow dust off the radiator, which you can catch with a damp cloth placed underneath the unit.

Cleaning different types of radiators

Ribbed and ladder radiators are easier to clean due to their open design. Simply wipe with a damp cloth. If it’s a panel radiator, cleaning requires more preparation – you’ll need to remove the side and top covers to get at the dirt inside. You can clean the inner surfaces with a brush or the duster and rag method.

A home solution for cleaning radiators

If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution, try the water and detergent method. Fill a kettle with water and a few tablespoons of detergent and slowly pour it between the radiator fins. The dirt and water will run into a bowl placed under the radiator. This method is effective and does not require dismantling.