Practical tips

Here are some tips on how to care for raspberries in autumn to help you get the best results and have a large and healthy harvest.


It’s a popular pastime to grow raspberries in gardens because they taste great and are full of vitamins and minerals. If you want to enjoy a bountiful harvest next year, it’s important to take care of your raspberry bushes in the autumn.

Looking after them now will help them make it through the winter and get ready for the new growth cycle. Mulching is a really important part of looking after raspberries in the autumn, and there are lots of benefits to it. However, many gardeners don’t give this enough thought, so here are some tips on how to mulch raspberries properly in autumn to make sure you get the best possible harvest next season.

Why is autumn care for raspberries important?

Raspberries are pretty easy to look after, but with a bit of TLC, you can get them to produce lots and lots of fruit. Autumn care is really important because it affects how well they’ll survive the cold months and get off to a good start in the new season. One of the most important things to do is fertilise, which makes the roots stronger and helps them to cope better with frost and disease. In the autumn, it’s a good idea to use fertilisers that are high in phosphorus and potassium. This helps the roots to develop healthily and speeds up the growth of new shoots, protecting the plants from the cold.

Another key thing to think about is watering. Raspberries have a shallow root system, so they’re sensitive to drought and need to be watered regularly, even in autumn. However, too much water can cause the roots to rot and lead to the growth of harmful pathogens. Autumn pruning of raspberries is also really important, especially for varieties that bear fruit in autumn. Once you’ve harvested, it’s a good idea to cut the shoots just above the ground. This encourages new growth and helps get rid of pests.

The importance of mulching raspberries

There are lots of reasons why mulching is a great idea. On top of making your garden look great, it helps keep the soil moist and protects the roots from temperature changes. Mulch also stops weeds growing, which would use up the water and nutrients that the shrubs need. As the natural mulch breaks down, the soil is enriched with organic matter, which gives raspberries the nutrients they need and makes their fruit taste better.
When it comes to mulching raspberries, the best materials to use are:

  • Straw – excellent at retaining moisture in the soil, minimizing the need for watering, and adding organic matter to the soil as it decomposes.
  • Coniferous sawdust – helps lower the pH of the soil, which is ideal for raspberries as they prefer a slightly acidic environment.
  • Pine bark – helps maintain the correct soil pH and enriches the soil with important nutrients when composted.
  • Leaves – Falling leaves are a great natural mulch that protects the roots from frost and provides organic matter for the soil.
  • Cardboard – an eco-friendly alternative to non-woven fabrics. Cardboard retains moisture and prevents weed growth, while decomposing over time and enriching the soil with humus.
  • Needles – provides frost protection, helps retain moisture and improves soil structure as it decomposes.

Mulching is an essential part of looking after raspberries. It helps them to grow better and means you’ll get a bigger harvest the following year.