Tips for the homeThe florist’s secret recipe for orchids. One thing and you’ll never count the flowers again.William21.06.202421.06.2024Tips for the home102Orchids are one of the most popular houseplants in our country and around the world. They are easy to care...
Tips for the homeYou won’t have to dust for six months. Take the furniture with this thing and it will repel it by itself.William21.06.202421.06.2024Tips for the home97 Dusting is one of those household chores that seems never-ending. No matter how often you dust, it seems to...
Tips for the homeGrandpa invented a homemade fertiliser for 10 crowns. Tomatoes, geraniums and roses grow best in his village.William21.06.202421.06.2024Tips for the home99Are you interested in fertilising your flowers or plants in your garden in a natural way? Then we have good...
kitchenWhat happens if you drink bay leaf tea every day? Let’s understand the benefits, side effects and learn how to brew it.William20.06.202420.06.2024kitchen136In addition to adding flavour and aroma to a dish, bay leaf can also be used to make a healthy...
Seneste nyhederRiesco ad aprire un barattolo troppo stretto senza usare la forza con una sola vite. Completamente diverso da tutti gli altri.William20.06.2024Seneste nyheder92Tutti conoscono la frustrazione di non riuscire ad aprire un barattolo serrato. Ma c'è un semplice trucco che vi farà...
Tips for the homeOne in four houses unwitting mouse hotel: simple measures to prevent itWilliam20.06.202420.06.2024Tips for the home117One in four households has had mice in the house at some point. Four per cent have even encountered rats...