
Here’s a wonderful recipe for homemade butter that you can make in just a few minutes!


We often see butter in the shops, which can have two main drawbacks: its high price and the additives that prolong its shelf life. While these additives can make some products ‘kosher’, they are often questionable in terms of health benefits.

It’s so easy to make your own homemade butter, and it’s something many of us don’t realise is so simple! The best part is that you can make it in minutes and you have full control over what goes into it! In this article, we’re delighted to introduce you to two simple ways to make butter at home.

Creamy butter in 10 minutes

Do you want to make your own butter? It’s really easy! All you need is whipping cream. I’d recommend using cream with a fat content of at least 31%, but if you can find cream with 35% fat, that’ll give you even better results! Now, just pour it into a blender and let it run on the highest setting for about 10 minutes. After a little while, you’ll see the cream start to turn into butter! Once you’ve reached your desired consistency, simply separate the liquid from the butter and strain it. Now, just wring out the butter to remove the excess liquid. You can use this as a substitute for cooking cream, for example. And now for the finishing touch! Just add a little salt (if you like) and pop it in the fridge. It’s ready to use in under an hour!

Yoghurt butter with rich flavour

Another lovely option is to make butter from white yoghurt. Just a heads-up, though: it’s best to go for a yoghurt with a high fat content – at least 10%. Now, for every 500 grams of yoghurt, just add 125 ml of water and pop the mixture in a blender. Once you’ve done the first 10-minute cycle, take a peek to see if the butter is forming. If it isn’t, just blend a little longer until it does! Then, just strain the resulting mixture as you would for creamed butter, and give it a good squeeze. Once you’ve got your lovely butter, you can wrap it up in some paper or pop it in a bowl and leave it to rest in the fridge. I’d recommend leaving it to rest for at least three hours if you can.

Why make your own butter?

There are so many wonderful things about making your own butter! It’s not just about the price, it’s also about the quality! It’s made with pure, natural ingredients that you can control, which is really important to us. But that’s not all! Butter is also a rich source of vitamins A, D, E and K. Amazingly, the first mention of butter dates back to about 9,000 years ago! It’s really quite fascinating to learn that the ancient Nordic peoples held butter in such high regard that they would bury it with their loved ones who had passed away. It’s amazing how much work goes into making butter! It takes up to 10 litres of milk to produce just 450 grams of this delicious product. Butter used to be a food only for the poor, but it gradually found its way onto the tables of the rich.