
This delicious dessert has a biscuit base and fluffy cream on top. You’ve got to try it!


Are you on the lookout for some new ideas for tasty, unbaked treats? If you have a few pieces of orange at home, this recipe is perfect for you! Today we’re going to make a delicious orange cake with a sponge base and cream together! The recipe and video instructions that we’ve attached make it really easy and quick to prepare this delicious treat.

Are you starting to salivate already? So put on your chef’s hat, grab your cooker and let’s make this delicious orange cake with biscuit base and cream cream together!

A delicious recipe for a no-bake orange cake:

What we will need:

  • 200 g long biscuits (sponge cakes)
  • 300 ml orange juice
  • 3 oranges
  • 100 g sugar
  • 40 g starch
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 100 g whipping cream

How to proceed:

1. Start by soaking the biscuits or cookies in orange juice and placing them in the bottom of a glass mould.

2. Whisk the sour cream in a bowl. After a while, add the sugar and whipping cream. Whisk everything thoroughly.

3. Spread the whipped cream on the biscuits and smooth it evenly.

4. Cut the orange into small pieces and place it in the casserole.

5. Add the sugar and cook on low heat.

6. In the bowl next to it, mix the water with the starch.

7. Add the starch to the orange mixture. Simmer for a while.

8. Spread this orange mixture on our cake.

9. Use a fork to stir.

10. At the very end, place our cake in the fridge for 2 hours.
