Practical tips

Cool Your Apartment in Seconds: Genius Bottle Trick


It’s heating up once again, folks! Temperatures are on the rise, reaching above 30 degrees once more, so it’s time to embrace the heat and cool down in style. With an amazing hack, you can effortlessly chill your home by a few degrees. Get ready to feel the breeze!

As beautiful as summer is, nobody wants sleepless nights and sweaty sheets. The heat often builds up indoors and remains even after it has cooled down outside. If you don’t have air conditioning, you really start to sweat. But sauna conditions have now come to an end: a simple plastic bottle can cool down overheated homes in no time at all.

Bottle trick ensures quick cooling

You shouldn’t throw away an empty plastic bottle, because with a simple life hack it can cool down your home.

All you need for your DIY air conditioner are two large plastic bottles (1.5 liters). Fill them with water and place them in the freezer overnight. It is best not to fill the bottle completely full, as it will expand during freezing and could otherwise burst. Then place the bottles at the highest point in the room, for example on a shelf or cupboard. Don’t forget coasters, as condensation can form and run down the bottle.

This simple trick will cool a room of about 20 square meters by a few degrees for about three hours. Larger rooms may require more bottles. You can also place the bottle in front of a fan to better distribute the cool air in the room.

Stay Cool

The cooling effect comes from the evaporative cooling. As the ice in the bottle melts, it releases cold into the environment and thus cools the room. The water thus draws heat from the surroundings, which is needed for evaporation. This life hack is therefore much cheaper than an expensive air conditioning system and very easy to implement. What’s more, the bottle can be moved from room to room if you decide to change rooms.

Cool down your home quickly: This is how it works

Towels that you dip in cold water and then wring out well are also suitable as an SOS solution. Then hang the towels on a clothes horse in the middle of the room, over the door or in front of the window. This also removes heat from the air and cools the room.