Practical tips

Don’t Forget to Unplug These 3 Appliances Before You Go


These appliances can cause fires or serious losses if the necessary precautions are not taken.

Specialists explain that chargers, extension cords and electric stoves should be unplugged when leaving home to avoid fire or serious problems.

Why these appliances should be unplugged, according to experts

Chargers are a danger in case they are left plugged in, as they can be a cause of fires in a home. Phone House specialists say in a report that there may be short circuits or power surges that cause the device to explode.

On the other hand, extension cords should always be unplugged or turned off to avoid a probable fire. One of these wet appliances can short-circuit your electrical devices or cause an electric shock, Statefarm specialists explain.

Luis Aaron Barra, an electrical engineer, kindly adds that there are 16 appliances that you should never plug into an extension cord or slipper to avoid a fire: microwaves, powerful vacuum cleaners, coffee machines, hair dryers, curling irons, irons, electric ovens. Also, it’s best not to plug in your treadmill, portable air conditioner, stove, dishwasher, kettle, clothes iron, refrigerator, water heater, freezer, washing machine, dryer, or fan heater at the same time, as this can cause fires, short circuits, and electrical problems.

Finally, the electric stove is another appliance with which special care must be taken. In case it is badly connected or there is a power surge, it can end up on fire. In addition, Hotfiredoor specialists explain that you should never put anything on top of them, for example clothes to dry faster, because it can generate instant fire.

What are the tips for the safe use of household appliances?

According to Multielectro experts, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Always use household appliances in dry environments, since contact with water can cause a shock, especially in kitchen appliances such as dishwashers, ovens or dryers.
  • Avoid using frayed cords or damaged plugs. These can cause short circuits or fires. If you detect a damaged cord or plug, stop using the appliance and contact an electrician.
  • Do not overload electrical outlets. An excess of consumption can trigger a fire. If you need to connect several appliances to the same socket, make sure it has enough amperage. Install a differential switch in your home. This device cuts the current in case of electrical leaks, helping to prevent accidents due to electrocution.

Tips to avoid electrical problems

  • Use a proper outlet: be sure to plug the microwave into a location that meets the manufacturer’s specifications, preferably one that is grounded to avoid electrical shock.
  • Avoid using extension cords: do not use extension cords or multiple adapters, as they can overload and cause electrical faults.
  • Check the power cord: inspect the microwave power cord to make sure it is not damaged, worn or frayed.
  • Do not overload the circuit: avoid connecting other power-hungry appliances on the same electrical circuit as the microwave, as this may overload it and cause power outages or fires.
  • Professional installation: if additional electrical installation is necessary for the microwave, hire a professional electrician to ensure that the work is done properly and complies with safety standards.
  • Use voltage regulators: consider using this appliance to protect the microwave from fluctuations in electrical current, especially if you live in an area with frequent power supply problems.
  • Keep the area dry: make sure the area around the microwave is dry and free of moisture, as water can cause short circuits and damage the electrical components of the appliance.
  • Avoid internal overloading: do not overload the microwave with large or heavy containers, as this may cause excessive power consumption and overheat the internal circuits.
  • Regular cleaning: keep the equipment clean, especially in the ventilation areas, to prevent dust and grease from accumulating and causing electrical problems.
  • Read the user’s manual: follow the recommendations and warnings in the user’s manual provided by the manufacturer for a safe and efficient use of the microwave.

The 5 recommendations to avoid the phantom consumption of appliances in the home

“Phantom consumption” is the energy waste generated by household appliances when they are off or in standby mode. Here are five practical tips from RAEE Andalucía to minimize this unnecessary consumption:

  1. Unplug appliances when not in use: use electric slippers with switches to turn off multiple devices at once.
  2. Use timers and smart plugs: program your appliances to turn on and off automatically according to your daily needs.
  3. Opt for efficient appliances: choose appliances with energy efficiency labels that indicate low standby consumption.
  4. Turn off appliance lights: unplug appliances with pilot lights when they are not in use to avoid unnecessary consumption.
  5. Raise your family’s awareness: educate your family about the importance of reducing phantom consumption to save energy and protect the environment.

By implementing these simple tips, you will be able to reduce your electricity bill and contribute to the care of the environment.