Practical tips

How to Eliminate Flies at Home: The Trusted Method from World-Class Kitchens


This amazing household trick is guaranteed to keep those pesky insects away for a long time!

When we talk about flies, we usually imagine these small flying insects capable of carrying substances dangerous to the health of the body.

In this sense, it also represents a hidden threat to food safety, as it is contaminated by toxic microbes and bacteria. Removing them, although in the past it seemed only possible with conventional insecticides, although there is an alternative way of using aluminium foil to compromise the quality of the air we breathe. To anticipate its appearance without resorting to pesticides, it’s best to put into practice an aluminium foil fumigation.

How is this homemade and ecological insecticide made?

Flies usually appear in summer, when high temperatures favour their mass breeding.They are also attracted by the unpleasant smells and litter they usually keep in our homes. Combating their presence is important to prevent medical pathologies, as suggested by the aluminium foil moth.

Strange as it may sound, aluminium foil not only performs an insulating function in the kitchen, but also repels flies from far away.

Because they can reflect light like a mirror, they are usually placed in places where the sun can illuminate them completely, blinding them from the brightness. This is an ingenious and effective trick, which scares insects away thanks to its reflective surface.


Aluminium foil.

To perform this simple trick, we start by cutting several 3 cm wide strips of aluminium foil, the length of which depends on personal preference. Then we place them in places where flies congregate most, such as on top of garbage cans and the entrance to the house.

As in the previous step, it’s best to secure them with duct tape so they don’t move out of place.