Practical tips

How to Get Rid of Ants in the House: Useful Tips


How to Handle Ant Infestations: Tips for Your Home and Garden

Some ants are just a nuisance, while others can cause permanent damage to your home. How do you get rid of these little creepy-crawlies in the house? And why can they also be useful in the garden?

Why Ants Invade Homes

Ants frequently invade homes and apartments, entering through leaky doors, cracks, and joints. What are they looking for? Food. Once they find it, they emit a scent that shows their fellow ants the way. “This is how so-called ant trails are formed,” says Laura Breitkreuz from the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU). At first, this isn’t a big problem, as ants are usually just a nuisance indoors. However, in some cases, they can cause damage.

Are All Ants the Same?

No. “There are around 110 species of ant in Germany,” says Stephanie Ertl from Verbraucher Service Bayern. The individual species differ in size, lifestyle, and risk potential.

A widespread species is the black ant, attracted by sugary foods. “It poses no danger,” says Stephanie Ertl. Other ant species have more potential for damage, such as the horse ant. They can build a nest in wooden beams and severely damage the wood. “At worst, it can cause roof beams to collapse, for example,” says Laura Breitkreuz. But that rarely happens.

Other ant species, like the brown ant, build their nests in insulating materials or under terraces and can damage the building fabric. An ant infestation in the electrical distribution system or cable ducts could lead to electricity problems. “Hygiene pests such as the pharaoh ant, which prefers protein-rich foods and can transmit pathogens, are also dangerous,” says Stephanie Ertl.

What Attracts Ants and How to Keep Them Out

The small crawling creatures are attracted to food that is left lying around. “Even cake crumbs on the floor, spilt lemonade, or leftover food in the animal’s bowl can be enough,” says Ertl. Her tip: remove leftover food quickly.

Other Tips:

  • Store supplies in airtight containers.
  • Take individual ants that have strayed into the house outside to prevent others from entering the house via their path.
  • Seal leaks in doors or windows with silicone or grout.

What to Do If There Are a Lot of Ants in the House

“First of all, remove the source, i.e., the leftover food,” says Laura Breitkreuz. Don’t leave garbage lying around; dispose of it promptly. “The next step is to damp mop the ant trails,” recommends Stephanie Ertl. For acid-resistant floor coverings or furniture, add vinegar or vinegar essence to the mopping water, as the smell has a deterrent effect.

Other Household Remedies:

  • Scents such as tea tree oil, lavender, lemon peel, or cinnamon impair the ants’ sense of direction and gently drive them away if applied at the point of entry into the house.
  • “Another ant control agent is diatomaceous earth,” says Stephanie Ertl. The finely ground powder made from diatoms is applied specifically to ant trails. It damages the animals’ chitinous shell, causing them to dry out and die.

Should You Use Chemicals for Ant Infestation?

“It is generally advisable to use household remedies to get to grips with the ants first,” says Laura Breitkreuz. Sprays release insecticides into the air, which can harm the health of people and pets.

What to Do If You Have an Ant Nest in the Building or Cable Ducts

In such cases, it makes sense to call in a certified pest controller for help. Home remedies are also insufficient if you have an infestation of small pharaoh ants; professionals must be called in to eliminate them completely.

Are Ants in the Garden Useful or a Nuisance?

Ants can be very useful in the garden. “They loosen up the soil, kill insects, and help spread plant seeds,” says Laura Breitkreuz. Ant nests in the lawn or vegetable patch are inconvenient for garden owners.

To keep ants at bay, you can use strong-smelling plants such as lavender, marjoram, or tomatoes. “If ant trails have formed, these scents and rock flour can also help to drive them away,” says Stephanie Ertl.

The widespread black ant can also be a nuisance in other ways, such as when it builds its nest under paving slabs. The ants carry out sand until the slabs become unstable. “To prevent this, you should use fine gravel instead of sand when laying the slabs,” says Laura Breitkreuz, as ants cannot carry gravel away.