Practical tips

Remove Ice from the Freezer with One Simple Foil Trick


How to Save Money and Reduce Energy Consumption with Your Freezer

The refrigerator is one of the most essential appliances in the home, used to store and preserve food for those who need it. Many people also have a freezer to keep meat and other foods longer. However, ice tends to accumulate on the walls, making it difficult for the appliance to function correctly. Here, we share a trick using aluminum foil to solve this problem.

The Importance of a Frost-Free Freezer

The freezer is ideal for storing leftover meals you want to eat later or essential foods like meat, chicken, or fish. When you open the freezer door, warm air comes into contact with the cold, creating frost. Therefore, it is advisable not to open it too often. Excessive ice in the freezer will affect the refrigerator’s performance.

The Impact of Excess Ice

Excess ice in the freezer can lead to food spoilage because the necessary cold chain is not maintained. It also causes the appliance to consume more energy than usual, leading to higher electricity bills. Therefore, it is essential to clean this section regularly.

The Aluminum Foil Trick

There is a trick to remove ice from the refrigerator using aluminum foil, commonly used to keep food at the right temperature. The first step is to unplug the freezer, remove all the food, and cover all the walls of the freezer with aluminum foil. Then, use a lamp.

Using Aluminum Foil Effectively

After covering the freezer walls with aluminum foil, direct the lamp towards this section. Since aluminum foil is an excellent heat conductor, the ice will melt easily within minutes. You can repeat this process as often as needed. This way, you save energy and ensure that your appliance does not break down.