Practical tips

Secret methods to get rid of ants that attack peony buds


Peonies, the royal flowers of the garden, have a beauty that can be marred by uninvited guests. Ants, which have taken a liking to the tender buds, not only spoil the appearance of the plants, but can also harm them.

However, there are effective ways to get rid of these insects without harming your beloved flowers.

Why do ants attack peonies?

Before dealing with ants, it is important to understand the reason for their interest in peonies. The fact is that the buds of these flowers secrete a sweet nectar that attracts insects.

Ants not only feast on this nectar, but they also protect their food source from other insects, which may seem beneficial to the plant. However, excessive numbers of ants can damage the buds and prevent them from opening normally.

Natural repellents

Many gardeners prefer to use natural methods to combat ants. One effective way is to sprinkle the ground around peonies with ground cinnamon or crushed mint leaves.

These aromatic substances repel ants without harming the plants. You can also prepare a spray of water and essential oils of lavender, tea tree or eucalyptus to be sprayed on the stems and leaves of peonies.

Create physical barriers

Another method of protecting peonies from ants is the creation of physical barriers. You can wrap the stems with tape smeared with petroleum jelly or special insect glue. This will prevent ants from getting to the buds.

Another effective method is to sprinkle the soil around the plants with diatomaceous earth, a natural powder that breaks down the exoskeleton of insects.

Using coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are not only an excellent fertilizer for plants, but also an effective remedy against ants.

Scattered around peonies, it creates an unpleasant barrier for insects. In addition, coffee enriches the soil with nitrogen, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of peonies.

Fighting aphids

Ants often appear on peonies because of the presence of aphids, which they “breed” to produce sweet secretions. This is why it is important to fight not only ants but also aphids. To do this, you can use a laundry soap solution or special insecticides that are safe for plants.

Keeping the garden clean

Prevention is the best way to fight ants. Regular removal of fallen leaves, branches and other plant debris deprives ants of potential nesting sites.

It is also important to ensure that there are no weeds near peonies that may attract insects.

Chemicals as a last resort

If natural methods do not help, you can resort to the use of chemicals. However, it is important to choose products that are safe for plants and the environment.

Special granules or gels placed around peonies attract the ants, which carry the poison to their nest, destroying the entire colony.

Regular monitoring

It is important to regularly check peonies for ants and other pests. Detecting a problem early allows you to take action before the situation gets out of hand.