Practical tips

Silverfish in Your Home: Find Them and Remove Them Efficiently


If you’re fighting silverfish, here are some good tips. In the corners of our homes live silverfish; tiny, glittering insects that many of us only encounter by chance. While the name ‘silverfish’ may sound charming, the unexpected presence of these little creatures in our drawers and bathrooms is anything but.

The Nature of Silverfish

Interestingly, silverfish pose no direct threat to us; they don’t bite and don’t carry diseases. But they can still be a nuisance if they get hold of food or damage the wallpaper.

Preventing an Infestation

To prevent an invasion of these tiny, shiny guests in our homes, it’s important to keep our homes dry and well ventilated. They thrive in humid environments, which is why a dry home is less inviting to them. Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices can help, as these are primarily places where they hide and build nests.

Remedies and Precautions

If you’re really bothered by silverfish, you can also use other remedies. According to the media, both boric acid and ethyl alcohol can exterminate them quickly. However, it’s important to use these products with caution, especially if there are children or pets in the home.

While silverfish may not be the most welcome guests in our homes, it’s worth remembering that they’re not a danger to us in the first place. By understanding them better, we can learn how to keep them at a safe distance from our habitats.

By following these tips, you can ensure your home remains free from silverfish and maintain a comfortable living environment.