Practical tips

The Habit That Lowers Cleaning Quality: Avoid It Before Using the Dishwasher


Stop Pre-Washing: Improve Dishwasher Results and Save Time

There’s a lot of duplication of effort with this method. If you’re lucky enough to have a dishwasher, you should thank the universe daily for the many hours you save washing dishes by hand. However, it’s generally considered a good idea to remove the worst dirt from pans, pots, and utensils before putting them in the machine to ensure everything gets as clean as possible. But is it really necessary?

Rethink Your Pre-Washing Routine

Many of us, myself included, do ourselves a disservice by spending time at the sink with a dish brush before loading the dishwasher. This not only duplicates effort but can actually result in a poorer cleaning performance by the machine.

Remove Only the Large Leftovers

In reality, you should only remove large food residues and give items a quick rinse before loading them into the dishwasher. Some dishwashers are equipped with sensors that detect the amount of dirt on the contents and adjust the wash cycle’s thoroughness accordingly. By pre-washing, you might trick the machine into thinking the dishes are cleaner than they are, causing it to save energy and clean less thoroughly.

By skipping the pre-wash, you can kill two birds with one stone: save time and effort while still getting clean plates and cutlery.

The Important Exception

Of course, no rule comes without exceptions, and there’s something to be aware of, as Ashley Iredale explains. If you have dishes with dried or burnt-on dirt, a quick rinse isn’t enough before putting them in the machine. Instead, it’s recommended to soak these items and then rinse off the worst residue before loading them.

So next time you’re faced with a giant pile of dishes, don’t worry about pre-washing. You can relax with a good movie knowing that you’ve done your home hygiene a favor.