Practical tips

The Secret Kitchen Scrap That Boosts Orchid and Peace Lily Growth


Boost Your Orchids and Peace Lilies with Rice Water

Orchids and peace lilies are two of the loveliest houseplants you could ask for. They’re so beautiful and easy to care for, it’s no wonder they’re so popular! But, as with many plants, getting them to bloom can sometimes be a challenge. It’s so sad to see them remain flowerless, start to droop, or develop yellowing leaves due to a lack of nutrients in their soil. The good news is there’s a simple kitchen solution that can give them the boost they need!

The Secret of Rice Water

Tishana, a gardener and founder of Coco and Seed, shares her secret for nourishing houseplants: using rice water as a natural, homemade fertilizer. She explains, “Rice water! Have you tried it on your plants? I personally don’t cook rice often, but when I remember, I use it on my plants. After you wash your rice, the leftover water contains starches and minerals, including trace macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, that help your plants grow.”

Nutrients in Rice Water

Rice water contains small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, three essential nutrients for houseplants that aid in root development, foliage growth, and flower production. Additionally, it contains B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, which supports the plant’s energy production, leading to better quality and larger blooms.

Using rice water is not only effective but also an eco-friendly and cost-effective method, as it repurposes what would otherwise be kitchen waste.

How to Use Rice Water for Your Plants

Here’s how you can feed your orchids and peace lilies with rice water:

  1. Prepare the Rice Water: Add rice to a bowl and pour in cold tap water. Swirl the rice around with a spoon or your hands until the water becomes cloudy as the starches separate from the rice.
  2. Strain and Store: Carefully strain the rice from the water and pour the starchy water into a container.
  3. Create the Fertilizer: Mix one part fresh water with one part rice water to dilute it, ensuring you don’t overfeed your houseplants.
  4. Application: Pour the solution directly onto the base of the soil of your orchid or peace lily.

Feeding Schedule and Tips

Feed your houseplants with this simple solution only once a month. Be cautious not to overdo it, as too much organic matter in the soil can lead to diseases such as root rot. Always use fresh rice water and avoid storing it for long periods, as rice starch can ferment and quickly become moldy.

Tishana encourages plant enthusiasts by saying, “Enjoy! You just created a plant fertilizer from plants. How cool is that?!”

By incorporating this simple yet effective method into your plant care routine, you can enjoy thriving orchids and peace lilies with minimal effort and cost.