Practical tips

There’s a public toilet on site. What should you look out for? Just a heads-up: toilet paper can be dangerous.


It’s worth knowing what to look out for in public toilets, as they can hide many dangers. One thing to look out for is paper. It’s often best to use your own toilet paper. After all, there’s no way of knowing what contaminants are on the roll, who touched it, or if it fell on the floor. It’s especially risky to use paper that isn’t enclosed in any packaging.

It’s not always clear what to look out for in public toilets. There’s been a lot of talk recently about how dirty flushers and door handles are that people touch with dirty hands. However, these are also used to roll up toilet paper, which then comes into contact with the sensitive parts of our bodies that are particularly susceptible to infection.

What to watch out for? Public toilets are full of bacteria

It’s probably best to think twice before using paper in a public toilet. If you spot dark stains or signs of water damage, it’s probably best to leave it. This could mean that someone has touched the roll with dirty hands, or that it’s been left lying on a contaminated floor. Another issue is that we don’t know if previous users closed the lid (cover) before flushing. If they didn’t, the particles, along with what was in the toilet bowl, probably settled on the paper.

It’s definitely safer to store toilet paper in a closed container. This means that bacteria and other contaminants can’t get in as easily. The biggest risk is in public toilets, but remember that poorly stored, unsecured paper can also cause problems at home.