Practical tips

This is the best way to stop your potatoes from sprouting, but not many people know about this handy trick.


Although potatoes keep quite well, they always end up sprouting. But there’s one simple thing you can do to avoid this problem.

*Who hasn’t been disappointed to discover sprouted potatoes in the cupboard after a few weeks? This phenomenon, well known to cooking enthusiasts, poses not only an aesthetic problem but also a practical one, as the sprouts can affect the texture and taste of the tubers. Fortunately, our grandmothers had more than one trick up their sleeve for keeping potatoes fresh for longer.
In general, potatoes sprout when storage conditions are not optimal. Potatoes are sensitive to light, humidity and heat. When exposed to light, potatoes produce solanine, a toxic compound that turns the tubers green and inedible. Heat and humidity stimulate the sprouting process, especially when potatoes are stored for too long.

The ideal place to store them is somewhere dry, away from moisture and very dark. A cupboard, cellar or canvas bag would be perfect places to store them.

To maximise the chances of your potatoes not sprouting, you really must try out this simple method based on the use of charcoal! The trick is to place a few pieces of charcoal (untreated, of course), two or three should be enough, in the basket or bag of potatoes. You can also sprinkle powdered charcoal over the potatoes. Remember to replace the charcoal regularly. After a month or two, change the pieces of charcoal to ensure continued effectiveness.

This method is based on a simple but effective principle: charcoal acts as a natural dehumidifier. It absorbs the moisture in the air, preventing the growth of germs. As well as absorbing moisture, charcoal is also capable of capturing ethylene fumes, a gas that promotes ripening and, consequently, sprouting in potatoes.

If, despite all your efforts, sprouts appear after a while, don’t panic, you don’t have to throw your potatoes away. They’re still edible. Simply remove them with a knife and eat your potatoes quickly.