Practical tips

We Use Them Every Day, but They’re Harmful: 5 Things to Remove from the Kitchen


It’s amazing how many everyday items in the kitchen we use naturally, even several times a day! Who would have thought they were a threat to our health? It’s incredible how many objects have been discovered to be full of harmful substances, as well as convenient. Here are some of the most dangerous kitchen items that you should avoid using every day.

Research shows that it is not just food and water that can put microplastics into our bodies, but also the everyday items that are found in every household. Unfortunately, recent studies have linked the development of cancer, heart attacks and infertility problems to the ingestion of microplastics, of which it is claimed that up to 52,000 particles are ingested in a year.

Dangerous kitchen stuff? How to reduce your consumption of microplastics

Something we use several times a day: plastic cutting boards

According to a study by the American Chemical Society, using a plastic cutting board also means that we put nearly 80 million propylene plastic particles into our bodies every year. Instead, a much better and more natural choice is a wooden cutting board. Just be aware that with wood, bacteria can easily grow in the tiny crevices, so it’s a good idea to use a separate board for raw meat.
Ahealthy alternative: a cutting board made of wood or tempered glass

The myth of the paper cup

If we think paper cups are less polluting and can’t hurt us, it’s good to know that some research shows that the material used to make them is not healthy at all. The sealing material is made of polyethylene with a density of about 10, which is needed to prevent the liquid from leaking. And the versions used specifically for hot drinks can release chemicals such as nitrate, sulphate, chloride or even fluoride.
Healthy alternative: glass or ceramic glass/mug

Plastic storage containers

Not surprisingly, plastic containers are also commonly identified as a potential source of danger. Plus, some theories suggest that heating plastic containers is extra harmful because it also releases microplastics that end up in our food. Related research has found that there are 4 million microplastics per square centimetre in some microwavable plastic-wrapped baby foods. These plastic particles can destroy up to 75 percent of kidney cells.
Ahealthy alternative: glass food containers.

What can a tea bag cause?

Tea filters are made of polypropylene plastic, and plastic sealant is used to make paper filters. The hot water used to brew tea can leach microplastics out of the tea filter. In addition, filters can contain harmful substances such as fluorine compounds, arsenic, radium salt, aluminium, copper, lead, mercury and cadmium.
Healthy alternative: fibre tea is a better choice than filter tea.

Dangerous kitchen items you probably wouldn’t think of: ice cube trays

After all, it makes sense that ice cube trays made of plastic are also not the best for your health. After all, microplastics can be present in them, as in all other plastic containers and utensils.
Ahealthy alternative: stainless steel ice cube trays