Tips for gardening

Best Fruit Trees to Plant in August: Four Great Options


The Best Fruit Trees to Plant in August for a Thriving Garden

Want to get into the world of gardening? You are in the perfect month to do it, because August is the best month to plant certain fruit trees and make them grow successfully. Here we tell you what those trees are.

Gardening is one of the most beneficial practices that exist, as it brings wellness to us and helps renew the worn-out environment of the planet. Mejor con Salud even tells us that gardening can help the body burn calories and improve movement, especially for older adults. Additionally, it considerably reduces stress and anxiety levels.

And, of course, it goes without saying that helping to grow more plants, trees, shrubs, and much more vegetation helps renew the planet’s environment, which is in a critical state, and any help is beneficial.

Considerations for Successful Planting

Growing any type of plant is not just about getting in and burying in a space with soil; there are certain responsibilities to fulfill and considerations to take into account before planting anything. One of those considerations is the time of the year, because not all plants can withstand any type of climate. Some prefer heat and rain, others prefer cold and little water, while some others can grow all year round.

Since we are in summer, and the extreme heat and rainy seasons have arrived, it is the perfect climate to plant some fruit trees because nutrients, water, and sun will not be lacking. August is one of the best months to grow some specific fruit trees. Below, we will tell you which trees are best and how you can plant them successfully to grow them into trees that give huge and juicy fruits.

Fruit Trees to Plant in August


Whether you will germinate seeds or prefer to buy a plant already with a stem, planting papaya during August is perfect for it, as it will get all the sun and water it needs to grow. Keep in mind that the substrate where the plant should have nutrients such as iron, zinc, manganese, boron, and copper.


Hated by some and loved by others, guava is a delicious fruit capable of growing during August. It will only need sunlight and water. Try to give this plant enough copper and zinc where it is going to be planted so that it has excellent development.


We cannot leave aside one of the most famous fruits in the world. Lemon is perfect to be planted in August and have perfect development. To boost the growth of the plant and fruits, add nitrogen, potassium, and calcium to the soil of the tree.


This plant is especially difficult to germinate and slow-growing when it is already a tree, but it will be worth the wait to see avocados in your home. To help it further, add phosphorus, potassium, and calcium to its substrate.

Now you know, these trees will be perfect to grow during August and not fail in the attempt. Enjoy a fruitful garden and contribute positively to the environment with these wonderful fruit trees.