Tips for gardening

Improve Your Roses’ Bloom by Planting This Nearby


Roses are gorgeous, but to get the most out of them, it’s important to know which plants to pair them with.

In this publication, we’ll detail why it’s vital to place them alongside certain varieties, such as lavender, for optimum growth of your roses.

The benefits of companion planting for your roses

Companion planting is an ancient gardening practice based on the beneficial interactions between different plants. Applied to roses, this system not only optimizes growth, but also improves flower quality.

Several plants play an important role in this process:

  • Repel pests: Some plants are renowned for their ability to repel pests, thus avoiding the use of chemicals.
  • Attracting pollinators: Other varieties attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, increasing the pollination of roses.
  • Enrich the soil: Some plants improve soil structure and add essential nutrients such as nitrogen, promoting better fertility.

The synergy created by companion planting also protects the often fragile roots of roses by maintaining a stable temperature and reducing evaporation.

Why combine roses with lavender?

Lavender is an ideal companion plant for roses. Not only does it create aesthetic harmony through the combination of their colors, it also offers several practical advantages.

Protection against pests

Lavender’s repellent properties effectively ward off aphids and other pests. As a result, your roses stay healthy and produce top-quality flowers.

Attractive to pollinators

Lavender flowers attract many pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. This interaction promotes better pollination of roses, increasing their flowering.

Aesthetic and olfactory harmony

Aesthetically, the combination of roses and lavender creates a magnificent landscape. The vivid colors of the roses contrast with the sober purple of the lavender, while their fragrances blend to offer a unique sensory experience in your garden.

Other plants that benefit roses

In addition to lavender, several other plants can be combined with roses to maximize their health and flowering:

Sage and its protective role

Like lavender, sage repels pests while attracting pollinators. It offers double protection and helps improve the quality of rose blossoms.

Alchemilla and moisture conservation

Alchemilla helps conserve soil moisture, crucial to rose survival. Its dense foliage also protects roots and limits weed growth.

Cistus and soil stability

Rockroses are drought-tolerant and stabilize the soil around roses, improving soil structure and reducing erosion.
For rose cuttings enthusiasts, check out our complete step-by-step guide on how to cut your roses.

Rosemary and its windbreak effect

Rosemary is effective at repelling various insects and attracting pollinators. Its compact shape also provides shelter from the wind, protecting roses.

Broom and soil enrichment

Broom enriches the soil thanks to its ability to fix nitrogen, an essential nutrient for roses.

Spirea and shallow roots

Spirea’s shallow roots don’t compete with those of roses for nutrients, allowing them to coexist harmoniously.