Tips for gardening

Sprinkle a Handful for Zamioculcas: The Plant Will Revive and Show New Leaves


Zamioculcas zamiolistas ideal for forgetful people

This hardy and beautiful plant is a beloved addition to many Polish apartments. It originates from the lush tropical and subtropical areas of Africa. This origin makes the zamiokulkas resistant to high temperatures and drought, which is great for keeping it safe and sound in any climate! It has low requirements, especially in the context of watering. In fact, it responds better to temporary water shortages than to excess water, so you can relax knowing your plant will be just fine even if you don’t water it as much. Do you have a busy lifestyle and don’t have a lot of time for frequent plant watering? Zamioculcas is unlikely to mind – it is called an iron plant for a reason!

Zamioculcas – what kind of soil serves it best?

Although not cumbersome, you need to meet the minimum requirements of the zamiokulkas in order to enjoy its growth and decorative deep green leaves. The main issue of cultivation is the substrate. Zamioculcas likes fertile, humus and permeable soil. It should have a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). It is also important to have a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot to help the plant drain excess water and protect the roots from rotting.

Pour into the pot. Zamioculcas will regain vigor

There are times when an easy-care plant starts to look worse. No new leaves have appeared for a long time? Growth is stunted and you get the impression that the zamiokulkas is not in top form? Perhaps it needs nourishment. To do this, throw a handful of sunflower seed husks into the pot and gently mix them into the top layer of soil.

Another option for naturally fertilizing zamiokulkas is to grind whole seeds in a blender and mix the resulting powder with the soil. In both cases, valuable nutrients will be gradually taken up by the plant, so that the zamiokulkas will grow faster and the leaves will gain a more saturated color. The roots, which are the foundation of any potted plant, will be strengthened.

Set in this place and water moderately

Although making a homemade fertilizer for zamiokulkas is not complicated, do not forget the absolute basics of growing an iron plant. The position for zamiokulkas should not be sunny. In such conditions, the leaves can burn. This specimen grows best in diffused light.

When choosing a position, pay attention to ensure that the zamiokulkas is not exposed to drafts. Water it moderately, only when the soil in the pot has visibly dried out. The structure of the stems and rhizomes allows the plant to store life-giving fluid. If you follow these basic rules, the zamiokulkas will return the favor with lush growth and will form the backbone of your home jungle.