Tips for gardening

Sprinkle in the Garden: Slugs Die the Moment They Touch It


Do you want to get rid of those pesky slugs once and for all? Of course you do! Well, you’re in luck because we’ve got the perfect solution for you. This tried-and-tested method is sure to work wonders on your garden. All you need is a small amount of this readily available substance and you’ll be slug-free in no time!

The Plague of Slugs in the Garden

Slugs are the bane of every gardener. These small creatures appear in gardens as early as spring and remain until the onset of autumn. Attracted by easily accessible food and the possibility of finding shelter, they can wreak havoc on your carefully tended crops.

The presence of slugs in the garden is never a good sign. Although they move slowly, they can severely destroy a crop overnight. So, how can you get rid of slugs? If every other method has failed, it’s time to try the way of an experienced gardener. There’s one product that will exterminate slugs down to the last one.

How to Get Rid of Slugs?

Slugs belong to the largest group of mollusks. Depending on the species, they feed on fungi, algae, lichens, wood, dead leaves, plants, or even other mollusks and insects. The biggest threat to gardens comes from slugs, which are snails without shells. For some unknown reason, they seem particularly fond of brassica vegetables, such as cabbage and lettuce. They are capable of severely damaging these crops overnight.

There are many ways to get rid of slugs. Some gardeners opt for ready-made molluscicides, but these pose a threat not only to crops but also to pets like dogs and cats that may wander through the garden. For this reason, natural methods are becoming increasingly popular. If you want to get rid of pests, you can prepare a beer trap or crush eggshells around your beds. Oatmeal, coffee grounds, or rice are also suitable options.

The Most Effective Method: Spread Around the Beds

Slugs move on a foot covered with mucus. Because of this, many gardeners recommend using products that absorb their mucus, thereby preventing them from moving any further. Unfortunately, many slugs can produce so much mucus that even the best traps fail to stop them. In such a situation, it’s necessary to use powerful means that will neutralize the pests once and for all. One such product is burnt lime.

You can find burnt lime in building and garden stores, with a package costing around 40 zlotys.

To use it, spread the product around the beds and in places where slugs are known to roam. Perform this treatment in the evening on a dry day. Repeat the process the following morning and again in the afternoon. The lime has such a strong reaction that a slug dies immediately upon contact with it. This method may be drastic, but it’s highly effective and will keep pests at bay for a long time.

By using this method, you can protect your garden from these destructive pests and ensure a healthy, bountiful harvest.