Tips for gardening

This Simple Gesture Can Help Preserve Your Garden’s Health After Rain – Find Out What It Is


We all know gardeners don’t love the rain, especially in spring. It can cause serious damage, even though it helps plants grow. But there’s a simple way to help your garden stay healthy: collect snails after it rains. Here’s how and why.

Why picking up snails after the rain is essential for your garden

Rain brings high humidity, which attracts snails to your garden. These molluscs can cause considerable damage by attacking young shoots and tender leaves. Their presence can quickly compromise gardeners’ efforts to maintain a healthy, productive garden.

The negative effects of snails on plants

Snails are particularly attracted to growing plants. They feed mainly on foliage and can create significant holes in leaves. Vegetable plants such as lettuces, cabbages and strawberries are particularly vulnerable.

A major problem caused by snails is the transmission of disease to plants. As they move, they leave a trail of mucus that can contain fungal spores and other pathogens, encouraging the development of fungal diseases.

When and how to collect snails

The best time to collect snails is immediately after a rainfall. Equip yourself with gloves and a bucket, and start harvesting as soon as the rain stops. Early morning or evening, when it’s still cool, is ideal as snails are most active during these periods.

For best results:

  • Inspect plants and garden borders.
  • Look for snails under leaves, stones and other damp hiding places.
  • Place the snails in a bucket and dispose of them away from your garden, or use them for composting.

Other important things to do after the rain

As well as collecting snails, there are a number of other things you need to do to keep your garden healthy after a heavy downpour.

Loosen and level the soil

Rain can harden the soil and encourage the formation of crusts around plants. Use a garden claw to loosen and level the soil. This prevents compaction, making it easier for water and air to penetrate the soil.

What’s more, the passage of the claw helps to eliminate weeds by exposing them to sunlight, which rapidly dries them out.

Shred fallen branches and check fruit and vegetables

After a heavy rain, branches may fall from trees and accumulate in your garden. Collect these branches and shred them to add to your compost. This helps enrich the soil with organic matter.

Inspect your fruit and vegetables for ripeness. Heavy rain can accelerate ripening. Pick up ripe fruit and vegetables to prevent them from rotting and spoiling.

Ensuring good drainage for potted plants

If you have potted plants, make sure their containers have a good drainage system. After heavy rain, check that water doesn’t stagnate in the pots, as this can cause root rot. If necessary, drill additional holes to drain off the water.

Protect your garden from fungal diseases

Prolonged rain creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal and cryptogamic diseases. Here’s how to prevent these infections:

Avoid water accumulation

Water stagnation is an open invitation to fungal diseases. Make sure that water doesn’t accumulate around plants. If your garden has areas prone to stagnation, dig drainage channels or use draining materials such as sand or gravel.

Ensure good aeration

Careful pruning of plants can improve ventilation. Avoid over-dense planting and prune regularly to allow air to circulate between plants.

A few advanced practices for managing your garden after the rain

Beyond the basics, adopting advanced practices can help you maintain a healthy, productive garden.

Install snail traps

To control snail populations naturally, consider setting up snail traps. For example, beer traps attract snails, which then drown in the liquid. Other solutions include placing barriers of ash or coffee grounds around sensitive plants.

Watch out for other pests

After the rain, other pests may also appear. Flies, for example, take advantage of the dampness to lay their eggs. To avoid an infestation, discover kitchen tips to trap flies effectively.

Maintain constant vigilance

Finally, regular monitoring of your garden is essential. Inspect plants, soil and garden structures regularly for signs of trouble. Proactive attention can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
By applying these tips, you can effectively protect your garden and maximize its health and productivity, even after the most torrential rains.

The benefits of good post-rain maintenance

Proper post-rain maintenance helps to :

  • Preserve plant health
  • Prevent fungal diseases
  • Reduce pest populations
  • Improve soil structure
  • Increase garden productivity