Tips for the home

3 plants that absorb humidity in the bathroom and prevent the formation of fungus in the shower


We already told you about the beautiful and colorful plant that you must have in your garden to be filled with Monarch butterflies, which will bring beautiful colors to the environment around you.

Now we will tell you what they are the 3 houseplants that absorb moisture in your bathroom, with which you will avoid mold and mildew and also keep with an excellent presentation.

You don’t always have time to take care of the flora, but the options we will give you are relatively resistant and you won’t have to worry too much about them.

Sure, there are some instructions you need to follow to keep the species healthy; however, that care won’t take up too much of your time.

Why does moisture come out in the bathroom?

This space of the house usually has more presence of water because there we bathe, wash our hands, teeth and use the toilet to do our needs.

The flow of water is constant and humidity is inherent, but it can become a problem if you do not have windows or sufficient ventilation in this area. Watch out! That could lead to mold and mildew.

What to do to avoid moisture in the bathroom?

Try to ventilate after you take your showers by opening the window all day. Also remove excess water with a mop. You can even install an exhaust fan or dehumidifier.

But if none of those options are enough, you can turn to nature, with installing plants that will help you control humidity.

What are the plants that absorb moisture in the bathroom?

  • Bird’s nest fern: this first specimen is characterized by its large, apple-green leaves, which require a lot of moisture. It can live in places with low light input, although with temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees.

You should constantly supply water to keep its substrate moist, but be careful not to create puddles. As a tip, it is better to place it hanging or placed on the wall and not at floor level.

  • Zamioculcas zamiifolia or ZZ plant: are perfect for bathrooms that lack windows, although they are not safe specimens if you have pets at home (they are toxic if ingested).

They can live in indirect light, however, they should be kept in temperatures of 16 to 21 degrees. They grow slowly, so you should not worry about pruning them constantly.

  • Boston fern: its leaves are long and arching, bright green. It requires indirect light and partial shade, as well as a warm environment with temperatures between 16 and 24 degrees Celsius.

It can be placed in the bathroom because it requires a lot of humidity, although you must guarantee some light for its growth. The best thing is that it is safe for pets and nothing will happen to your dogs or cats if they nibble it.

So now you know, these are the 3 plants that absorb moisture in the bathroom and prevent the formation of fungus in the shower. They are very beautiful and fill the environment with life!