Tips for the home

Almost everyone has them in the kitchen: they are worth their weight in gold in the shower


An expert reveals two things from the kitchen that will give you sparkling clean shower doors.

Cleaning the glass door in the shower cubicle can often end up creating more stains and streaks than there were to begin with. But fear not! Glass expert John Cutts shares his top tips on how you can achieve a completely clean, streak-free shower enclosure.

Most of us resort to detergents, scouring pads and ammonia-based products to remove soap residue and limescale, but this should be avoided as it can actually leave streaks on the glass and cause damage over time.

John Cutts from recommends using more natural products instead, including citrus fruits like lemon and lime to remove stains and spices like salt to remove calcium deposits.

Lemons and limes work surprisingly well in shower cubicles due to their acid content, which helps remove stubborn stains. Simply squeeze the fruits into a mixture of white vinegar and water. Take a damp microfibre cloth and clean the door/door in a circular motion, then rinse to finish the process.

Salt can also help remove limescale deposits. As an extra trick, sprinkle a little salt on a lemon and scrub the shower door.

White toothpaste is also a useful tool for removing soap residue from the shower cubicle. Apply a little toothpaste to an old toothbrush to reach those hard-to-reach corners.

However, there are also things you should definitely avoid, according to John. Scouring pads are a big no-go; the material can scratch the glass surface and leave a soap residue. Likewise, bleach can damage the glass over time. It’s an effective way to clean the floor of the shower cubicle and the drain to eliminate bacteria, but avoid using it on the shower door.

Men hvad med resten af badeværelset? Tidligere i år delte rengøringseksperten Mahlea, der arbejder for det australske rengøringsfirma Jetlag Remedy, hendes simple tips til rengøring af badeværelset.

I en video, der blev delt på profilen @jetlagremedy, sagde Mahlea følgende:

“Tips til rengøring af dit badeværelse fra en professionel rengøringsperson. Mit første tip, og det gælder ikke kun for badeværelset, det gælder for enhver overflade, du sprayer på – sørg for, at sprøjten sidder på overfladen i et par minutter. Dette giver den tid til virkelig at trænge ind og løfte snavs og skidt, hvilket gør det lettere for dig at tørre op.”

Mahlea’s second tip was to make sure you use a “hard brush” to clean your drains. An often forgotten part of the bathroom is the stopper, but Mahlea recommended lifting it up from the drain so you can get in, which “can really help with the odour in your bathroom too.”

Mahlea also suggested emptying your rubbish bins once a week, even if they’re not completely full.

“That way there’s no dirty bathroom stuff sitting down there fermenting,” she added.