Tips for the home

Anti-snail advice: a proven way to get rid of snails


Controlling slugs and snails in the garden can be a challenge, especially if you prefer an environmentally friendly solution. Here are some tried and tested methods and tips for natural slug repellent.

Our gardening expert has tried out some natural slug repellent methods.

Recognizing nudibranchs – Tiger slugs eat conspecifics

Slugs and snails can drive gardeners to despair. But not all slugs are the same! The tiger slug is a fellow species with a predatory cat print that is surprisingly one of the natural enemies of these lettuce predators. It immediately catches the eye because of its feline predator print.

Useful nudibranch

A wild pattern of dark, elongated spots and dots can be found on a brown, gray-yellowish background, which is also responsible for the name “tiger slug”. It feeds on dead plant parts and is not a danger to the crop.

Natural predators of slugs and snails

Attract the natural predators of slugs and snails. These include, for example, hedgehogs, toads, blackbirds, ground beetles and fireflies.

With a bird house, insect hotel and nesting boxes, you can offer the animals a pleasant home and food at the same time, all-inclusive for the blackbird & Co.

Blue grit or slug pellets: a toxic solution

Slug pellets are a widely used method of repelling slugs and snails. It does a good job of keeping the slugs off your lettuce leaves and flowers, but the grain is poisonous – not only for the snails, but also for other animals. Snails die in agony. They often contain metaldehyde, which is harmful to pets, wild animals and even children. dangerous can be dangerous. If children and infants or pets such as dogs, tortoises or rabbits come into contact with it, there is a risk of a very serious infection. severe poisoning. Metaldehyde also pollutes groundwater if used incorrectly.

In snails, metaldehyde irreversibly damages the mucus-forming cells. This impairs the protective function of the snail skin as well as the locomotion and digestion of the animals. The snails slime out and die where they are. About 20 minutes after consumption of metaldehyde-based slug pellets, the slugs have died.

However, there are also less toxic variants based on iron, which are a gentler alternative. Iron-III-phosphate in slug pellets is also approved for organic cultivation. The salty preparation damages the water balance of the slugs and kills them in this way.

Organic slug pellets only have a deterrent effect. It contains plant extracts with natural repellents against slugs and snails. Lavandin oil for example, also has a deterrent effect on snails.

But if you love growing your own organic vegetables, you shouldn’t sprinkle chemicals on your garden yourself. After several years of gardening experience, has helpful tips for natural slug defense.

Natural snail repellent: Environmentally friendly alternatives

For an environmentally friendly snail repellent there are various natural methods.

How the snail fence works

The fence consists of plastic and two parallel wires that carry a slight electrical current. When a snail touches the fence, it receives a small electric shock that drives it away without killing it. This method is particularly effective and offers comprehensive protection for your garden without harming the environment. The idea is derived from a cow pasture fence.

Minimal electric shock for the snail. Maximum yield for the gardener. An invention that has been around for over ten years.

There is no constant flow of electricity. This means that the battery lasts almost forever. The current only flows when the snail touches the wires, both of them. It closes the circuit by touching the second wire. It is completely safe for us. The voltage does not pass through our skin. It also has no effect on dogs, cats or hedgehogs. It is only because the snail conducts so well through its mucus that it has an effect on the snail.

At 10 meter garden green PVC fence you have to work with about 75 Euro purchase costs. A little more with a solar collector. During our research, we saw that the augers are indeed turning off and that all the beds are in perfect condition. There are three alternatives:

Tools with little effect: snail traps, mint and coffee grounds

There are many myths about home remedies to repel slugs and snails. For example, it is often claimed that mint and coffee grounds keep snails away. In practice, however, it has been shown that these remedies have little or no effect. Instead of spending money on such traps, it is advisable to use proven and more effective methods such as slug collars and copper edges.

Also Sheep’s wool is often used as an effective and natural snail defense but as soon as it gets wet, no snail will stop it from simply crawling over it.

There are many myths about home remedies to repel slugs and snails. For example, it is often claimed that mint and coffee grounds keep snails away.

By combining these methods, you can effectively protect your garden from slugs and snails and at the same time protect the environment.