Tips for the home

CHANGING SHEETS Not every two weeks or every month: experts say how often you should change your sheets


After a hard day, getting into bed to sleep and replenish energy is one of the best moments of the day. In addition, if we accompany this habit with a few clean and fresh sheetsthe pleasure is much greater.

However, this is only the case when we are ready to change the bed linentimes that generate many doubts in most households.

The Bed linen is in constant exposure with our body.every day, for several hours. For this reason, it is important to keep them clean and change them frequently. These changes will depend on the habits of each person, whether you shower in the morning or at night, if you do sports and other casuistry.

Does the moment I make the bed have any influence on its cleanliness? It is better to make it when you get up

How often should we change the sheets?

Experts recommend changing bed sheets once a week, especially in summer, when temperatures rise and we sweat more than usual. In winter, due to the cold, the time can be extended briefly for a week and a half. Philipe Tierno, a microbiology expert at New York University, explained this in ‘Business Insider’.

In addition to these changes, it is advisable to air the bed before making it.every day. In this way, we will be able to ventilate the accumulated humidity, preventing the formation of microorganisms that can cause infections or allergies.