Tips for the home

Cockroaches Infesting Every Surface of Your Home: The Boiled Potato Trick That Will Eliminate Them Permanently


The heat has led to an infestation of cockroaches in the house, which are now everywhere. The boiled potato trick is a great way to get rid of cockroaches naturally and without chemicals.

If you live in a city, chances are you’ve encountered cockroaches. They’re not as common in villages, but in cities, sewers attract them in droves. They’re a real nuisance.

When do we have cockroaches in the house and what they can cause

When the rules of cleanliness in the house are not followed, when food containers are left open, when there are cockroaches in the neighbours’ houses, when there is an old uninhabited building near our house, when the drains are not cleaned then cockroaches can breed and multiply, creating a problem in the hygiene of our house and other side effects.

Cockroaches often enter homes in search of food and water. Because cockroaches carry germs and bacteria, they can cause various diseases and allergies in humans. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of cockroaches before they reach the breeding season. But how do you know when this period is?

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches without chemical drugs?

So let’s go to see the ways.

1. Baking soda and sugar

Baking soda prevents cockroaches from breeding and entering the house. To increase the effect of baking soda, it should be used with sugar. Cockroaches love sugar. When sugar is added to baking soda, cockroaches can become trapped in a short period of time.


Baking soda
Powdered sugar


Mix 1 teaspoon of icing sugar and 3 teaspoons of baking soda. (The ratio varies depending on the size of the area to be used. You should use 3 times the amount of baking soda versus the powdered baking soda). Sprinkle this mixture in places where you see cockroaches inside your home. It is always a good idea to wear gloves when preparing the mixture. After applying the mixture to places where cockroaches are present, wash your hands thoroughly and disinfect them.


It is one of the natural methods used to destroy cockroaches.


1 white onion

4 glasses of water
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon of ground red pepper


Grate the onion and garlic and mix them together. Add 4 cups of water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add the pepper powder along with the onion and garlic mixture, remove the boiling mixture from the stove and let it cool. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle.

Identify the places visited by cockroaches and spray them. If there is no spray bottle or if you can’t find one, take a cloth and wet it with the mixture. Drain the cloth well so that there is not too much water and wipe the places where the cockroaches ‘travel’.

3. Cocoa, flour and baking soda


2 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
4 tablespoons of baking soda


Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Sprinkle this mixture in places where cockroaches are around. Always use gloves when preparing the mixture.



Some ground coffee
Some water


The smell of ground coffee will attract cockroaches. Mix the ground coffee with water and make a mixture. Put this paste into small containers. Then place these containers in places where cockroaches move around.


Bay leaf is one of the most natural plants used to destroy cockroaches from the past to the present day. Because of its smell, it destroys cockroaches.


Run 1 handful of bay leaves through the blender. It will become a powder. Sprinkle this powder on places where cockroaches are present. Cockroaches that come in and smell bay leaves will be exterminated.


Boiled potatoes and added ingredients are also one of the most natural ways to get rid of cockroaches.


3-4 boiled potatoes

Powdered sugar
A little oil
Baking soda


First, boil the potatoes. You can increase the ingredients to be used depending on the amount of cockroaches in your house. Then mix the boiled potatoes, oil, sugar and baking soda. Mix the mixture well.

Create small balls of this mixture and place them in the places where you have cockroaches in your house. After 15 days repeat the same process in order to get rid of cockroaches permanently.