Tips for the home

Don’t Pour Out Potato Water: Discover Its Powerful Cleaning Properties


You might not know this, but you can reuse the cooking water from potatoes. It’s a natural treasure with lots of uses.

The Magic of Potato Water

Keep the cooking water when you cook potatoes. They release starch into the water. This starch has a lot of useful properties. As it turns out, starch molecules have the ability to coat themselves around fat particles. This makes it easier for them to be removed. Starch is also great for removing stains and making surfaces shine. It has lots of different properties, so it’s great for natural cleaning. This helps you save money on household products while also making an anti-waste gesture!

A Multi-Purpose Ingredient

You can use potato water for lots of different things. For instance, you can use it to degrease and make your tiles or hobs shine. To get started, just pour the potato cooking water into a spray bottle. Just spray it on the surfaces you need to clean.

Just make sure the water doesn’t have any small pieces of potato in it. You can filter it through a fine sieve if you like. It’s also great for getting rid of limescale. Just spray the water on your taps, shower heads, kettles, or any other scaled objects. To make it even more effective, add a tablespoon of baking soda to your potato cooking water.

Stain Removal and More

Another use for potato cooking water is that it’s great for removing stains. You can also use lukewarm potato cooking water straight on the stain. This is especially good for grease stains. Let it sit for about ten minutes, then scrub with real white Marseille soap.

You can even use potato cooking water to make silver shine. Put some on a cloth and rub it over your silver items. They’ll look as good as new. Now that you know potato cooking water is a real multi-tasker, you can use it to clean your whole house!