Tips for the home

Dream garden despite the heat: 7 beautiful perennials that tolerate drought


When the heat suddenly strikes, hobby gardeners are often very annoyed. Because in summer, you can hardly keep up with watering cans and garden hoses to keep perennials and flowers from dying.

However, the constant watering not only drives up the water bill, it is also super annoying when the flowers dry out as soon as you haven’t watered them for a day.

The solutionPlant your garden or balcony with low-maintenance perennials that require little watering instead. Because yes, these plants really do exist and no, your garden doesn’t have to be turned into a cactus desert.

Girl’s eye

The girl’s eye (Coreopsis), also known as the beautiful face, is a popular summer perennial because of its colorful flowers.

However, the plant is not only an eye-catcher, it is also incredibly robust: it can withstand drought very well and prefers sunny spots in the garden. The perennial flowering plant is also hardy and hardly susceptible to pests or diseases.


The beautiful red poppy (which gets its name from the thin flowers that clap together in the wind) is not only native to Europe, but also to North Africa.

So it’s no wonder that the flower (scientific name: Papaver), which makes a great splash of color in the garden, survives even longer dry periods without any problems.


The stonecrop (Sedum) has fleshy, rounded leaves that it uses to store water. As a result, this easy-care plant can easily survive long periods of drought without dying.

It only needs to be watered regularly in the initial period after planting. It is then also advisable to fertilize the stonecrop. Incidentally, the countless small flowers are real butterfly magnets!


You can also enjoy rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) first in the garden and then use it in the kitchen. The plant originates from the Mediterranean region and therefore likes it warm and rather too dry than too moist. Although it can manage with very little water, the plant should not be left to dry out for more than a week.

Did you know? In spring, the evergreen shrub produces small flowers that attract numerous insects.


The frugal sage (Salvia) comes from the “more than just decorative” category. With its purple, pink or white flowers, it is not only an enrichment for any garden, but also tastes really delicious as a tea.

The plant does not tolerate waterlogging, but it can do without water for a long time, even in midsummer. It is best to give the plant a spot in full sun.