Tips for the home

Get rid of cockroaches in minutes with this kitchen spice: guaranteed effectiveness


While we enjoy the good weather during the summer months, our homes can be invaded by cockroaches, a pest that can ruin the summer season with their unpleasant presence. These insects, with their long antennae and erratic movements, can become a considerable nuisance. Fortunately, there are tricks to prevent their appearance and eliminate those that have already settled in the home.

Preventing Cockroach Infestations

Prevention is key to keeping cockroaches from becoming a pest, and experts recommend a series of best practices. First, be sure not to leave food exposed; cockroaches are attracted to leftover food, so store food in airtight containers. Also, keep the house clean, especially the kitchen, and do not accumulate objects, as these serve as a refuge for cockroaches. Wooden furniture can also become a breeding ground for cockroaches, so it is advisable to paint or varnish them to seal possible cracks. Another factor to take into account is humidity, which attracts these insects, so it is crucial to keep areas dry and seal any cracks in walls and around pipes to prevent them from entering the house.

The Best Trick to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Cockroaches pose a significant threat when they invade a home, as they are not only repulsive but also carry bacteria and viruses that are harmful to health. These pests tend to proliferate in dark, cool, and enclosed environments, such as drains and pipes, where they find food debris that constitutes their usual diet. Due to their ability to hide in places such as the kitchen or bathroom, and their rapid reproduction, cockroaches can become a serious problem if appropriate measures are not taken in time.

To combat these pests effectively, a homemade insecticide made from oregano can be a very effective and affordable solution. Oregano essential oil is known for its insect-repelling qualities, and its combination with vinegar and water results in an effective formula.


  • 2 tablespoons of oregano essential oil
  • 500 ml of vinegar
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Start by mixing the oregano essential oil with 500 ml of vinegar in a container. This step is crucial since oregano essential oil, known for its repellent properties, combines with vinegar to enhance its effectiveness.
  2. Once both ingredients are well integrated, pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  3. Next, add a liter of water to the spray bottle and shake the solution well to ensure that all the ingredients are properly mixed.

This homemade insecticide can be applied in strategic points where cockroaches usually appear, such as doors and windows. In addition to being an effective natural repellent, it offers a fresh scent that contrasts with the strong odors of conventional chemical products.

Other Homemade Solutions

To fight cockroaches effectively, you can use a mixture of baking soda, water, and sugar. This home remedy is prepared by combining these three ingredients to form a paste that should be placed in cracks and crevices. The baking soda, in contact with the stomach acid of the cockroaches, causes a reaction that kills them, while the sugar attracts them.

Another effective alternative is the combination of onion and boric acid. To prepare this mixture, grind the onion into a paste and mix it with boric acid. As with the baking soda paste, boric acid is a potent poison for cockroaches, and the onion helps attract them to the mixture.

Bay leaves are an effective natural repellent against cockroaches due to their intense and unpleasant aroma for these insects. To take advantage of their properties, place bay leaves in strategic places, such as cupboards. This method helps to keep them away and will reduce the chances of them reproducing. The scent of bay leaves acts as a natural barrier, deterring cockroaches.

Peppermint essential oil, known for its refreshing scent for people, acts as a potent repellent against cockroaches. To use it effectively, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and transfer the solution to a spray bottle. Spray this mixture on infested areas and dark corners where cockroaches might hide. This method not only deters cockroaches but will also help prevent their proliferation.

Finally, vinegar is a natural remedy that is also helpful in keeping cockroaches at bay. Cockroaches find the smell of vinegar extremely unpleasant and may even choke on it. To maximize its effectiveness, spray vinegar in problem areas, such as the bottom of the front door, patio, and cracks.

By following these simple tricks and preventive measures, you can keep your home free of cockroaches and enjoy a pest-free summer season.