Tips for the home

Goodbye Wasps and More: These Tips Will Keep You Peaceful


We all know how quickly insects can become a nuisance in the summertime. But did you know that you can easily get rid of them using natural means? Instead of resorting to chemical pesticides, simply use fragrant plants.

Insects can quickly become annoying in summer. But these animals are also important for our environment, which is why you shouldn’t immediately resort to chemical or radical means. Some natural odors also deter them. The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection reveals what they don’t like at all. Find out more here:

Simply make mosquitoes disappear

Mosquitoes are known to be particularly annoying in summer. But they don’t like the smell of lavender, sage, tomatoes, lemon balm, scented geranium and catnip. You can easily keep mosquitoes away with these natural remedies.

So ants are no longer a nuisance

Ants are often on the lookout for food and can quickly become a nuisance. Simple household remedies such as lavender, chervil, thyme, bay leaf, cloves, vinegar and lemon juice can effectively repel ants. Sprinkle these substances at the entry points or along their paths.

Wasps at barbecues? No thanks

Wasps can be particularly annoying at barbecues and picnics. Wherever there is food, they will pass by. Lavender and basil are natural repellents against wasps. Place these plants near outdoor seating areas to keep wasps away. You may also encounter flies from time to time. Flies are not only annoying, but can also transmit diseases. They avoid the smell of lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus.

Mechanical barriers

In addition to natural fragrances, mechanical barriers such as fly screens on windows and doors can also be effective in keeping insects out. Regular cleaning and the removal of leftover food also help to reduce the attraction of insects.