Tips for the home

How to Beat the Heat: The Best Time to Close Your Shutters for a Cool Home


We all know how it goes. The weather is getting hotter and hotter! It’s been scorching in France recently, with temperatures reaching 35°C on Tuesday, July 30th. So, what’s the best way to beat the heat at home? Simple! Close your shutters. But here’s a little secret: it’s more effective to do this at a specific time of day.

Summer is well and truly underway. This Tuesday, July 30, temperatures will reach 35°C across the country, and even “39 or 40°C in the South-West and the Mediterranean hinterland”, according to Météo-France.

In the face of this summer heat, which is set to last, homes are becoming veritable furnaces, making temperature management more crucial than ever. Managing the opening and closing of shutters can help keep your home cool.

According to the Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (Ademe), it’s advisable to close your shutters, curtains or blinds as soon as the sun starts to rise, between 8 and 9 a.m. in summer, to keep the heat out. Once closed, they should remain closed throughout the day, especially during the hottest hours, between 12 and 4pm.

Either very early in the morning, or in the evening

As sunlight is the main source of heat, closing shutters early in the morning helps limit heat absorption by windows and walls.

This helps to reduce the greenhouse effect and bring down indoor temperatures by several degrees.

It’s best to open your shutters from 8 or 9 p.m. – or early in the morning, before sunrise – when the outside temperature has dropped. This allows you to take advantage of the cool night air – or the early morning air – to ventilate the house and renew the indoor air.

This simple but strategic management of shutters, curtains or blinds can significantly improve the thermal comfort of your home during periods of high heat, reducing the need for air conditioning or ventilation. Your body and your electricity bill will thank you.