Tips for the home

How to Completely Remove Cockroaches and Their Eggs with One Simple Ingredient


Well-known insecticides can cause respiratory health problems, so this natural formula promises to be friendlier.

We all know how annoying it is when insects invade our gardens and homes. Cockroaches are particularly bothersome because they’re not just gross, but they also spread dangerous diseases. But don’t fret! You can easily keep them at bay with a simple homemade insecticide made from oregano and other easy-to-find ingredients.

When cockroaches are present in the house, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to eliminate them. The reason for this lies in their dangerousness at a sanitary level, since they carry bacteria and viruses harmful to the body on their bodies. Although there are repellents that manage to repel them, they are not as effective as this homemade insecticide that takes advantage of the hidden properties of oregano.

How is this homemade insecticide prepared?

The origin of cockroaches is related to closed, dark and fresh spaces, such as drains or pipes. In these spaces circulate all kinds of garbage remains, which are part of their daily diet. For this simple reason, it is enough to classify them as an imminent danger to anyone’s health, which can be protected with a homemade oregano insecticide.

Despite their tiny size, cockroaches are insects capable of sneaking undetected into spaces such as the kitchen or bathroom at home. In addition, their ability to reproduce in a short time classifies them as one of the most annoying pests in the animal kingdom. Fortunately for those who suffer from their presence, it is time to test a homemade insecticide that emits a fresh and super effective smell, all thanks to oregano essential oil.


  • 2 tablespoons of oregano essential oil.
  • 500 ml vinegar
  • Water

To prepare this homemade insecticide, we start by mixing the essential oil of oregano and half a liter of vinegar in a container. Once this is done, we pour it into a spray bottle, together with a liter of water, which we shake again to create the formula. Finally, we are in conditions to spread it in those places where cockroaches usually enter, as in the windows and doors of the house.