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How to Feed Cucumbers in July for Better Harvest: Proven Methods and Recommendations


In July, cucumbers are actively fertilising, so the plants need special attention and extra nutrition.

In order to get a rich harvest and big juicy fruits, it is important to know what and how to feed the cucumbers this season.

Experienced vegetable gardeners know that proper plant nutrition is the key to plant health and high yields.

Nitrogen fertilisers: stimulating growth

Nitrogen is a real hero when it comes to growing cucumbers! It helps them to grow and develop, especially when it comes to forming fruit. It helps the plant to get all the nutrients it needs to grow big and strong, and to produce a bountiful harvest.

Ammonium nitrate and urea are great options for fertilizing your cucumber plants. They dissolve easily in water and are quickly absorbed by the plants, giving them a boost of nutrients to help them thrive!

Potassium supplements: improving the taste and quality of fruit

Potassium plays a key role in the formation and flavour of fruit.It helps to increase the sugar content of fruit, making it sweeter and juicier.

Potassium sulphate or wood flour can be used as a potassium fertiliser.

In addition, these fertilizers help strengthen the plants’ resistance, increasing their resistance to diseases and pests.

Phosphorus fertilisers: support the root system

Phosphorus is essential for the development of the root system and for improving the plant’s metabolic processes.

During fruiting, cucumbers need phosphorus to ensure stable growth and fruit development.Superphosphate is an excellent phosphorus fertilizer that can be used either dry or in solution.This fertilizer helps to strengthen roots and increase yields.

Organic fertilizers: natural growth promoters

Organic fertilisers are an excellent option for feeding cucumbers during the fruiting season.They not only provide the plants with the necessary nutrients, but also improve soil structure.

Compost, humus or bean infusion can be good alternatives.These natural growth promoters help to increase yields and improve fruit quality without the risk of overloading the soil with chemical elements.

Trace elements: balance and harmonious development

In addition to macronutrients, cucumbers also need micronutrients for full growth and fruit production.Iron, magnesium, boron and zinc play an important role in metabolic processes and in maintaining plant health.

Special complex fertilizers or micronutrient solutions can be used to provide cucumbers with micronutrients.These fertilizers help to avoid micronutrient deficiencies and improve the overall condition of the plants.

Irrigation and mulching: maintaining optimum humidity

Regular irrigation is one of the most important conditions for successful cucumber fertilisation.It is important to keep the soil moist, but not over-saturated with water to avoid root rot.

Watering should be regular and heavy, especially on hot days.Mulching helps to maintain moisture in the soil and prevents it from drying out.Straw, grass clippings or compost can be used as mulch.

Use of folk remedies: safe and effective methods

Folk remedies can also be useful for feeding cucumbers.Nettle extract, for example, is rich in nitrogen and trace elements, making it an excellent natural fertiliser.

Wood ash contains potassium and phosphorus, which are essential for fruit growth.Their use avoids chemical additives and keeps plants healthy naturally.

Previously, we explained why it is worth hammering rusty nails into fruit trees.