Tips for the home

How to get a good night’s sleep on hot nights? Try the way of the Japanese and Egyptians


High temperatures make us tire faster, dehydrate more easily and often have trouble sleeping. Many people roll from side to side half the night because they are simply too hot. We suggest how to increase your comfort and survive the summer, even if you don’t have air conditioning. It’s worth reaching for ways that have been known for centuries.

Sleep is the basis of health and well-being, as well as beauty. During a night’s rest, our entire body regenerates and gathers strength for the next day. That is why it is so important to get enough sleep. Unfortunately, in summer this can be difficult due to the prevailing heat. And although the sun goes down in the evening, temperatures often hover around 25-30 degrees C., while the optimal temperature for sleep is in the range of 16-20 degrees C.

Is the heat keeping you awake? Check out how to improve your comfort

The most important thing is to prevent the room where you will sleep from getting too hot. Avoid ventilating during the day, it is much better to open the windows in the early morning or late evening, or at night when the air is more crisp. It’s also a good idea to get curtains or, even better, blinds to protect against the sun and heat. It’s also better not to watch TV or use a computer in the bedroom, as these devices emit additional heat.

What we sleep in and on is also of no small importance. It is best to choose bedding made of natural fabrics such as linen, cotton or silk. On the other hand, avoid synthetic fibers, in which the body sweats more. A good solution would be to sleep naked. In the summer months, of course, let’s forgo thick quilts or blankets. If you like to be covered with something while sleeping, let it be a thin sheet.

How to sleep and get enough sleep in hot weather?

Two hours before you plan to go to bed, give yourself a hearty and hard-to-digest food. This often makes a person feel sluggish and sweat more. Not to mention that such a habit fatally affects the quality of night rest.

Experts also do not recommend sleeping with the fan on. The idea may seem ideal, but in reality it often does more harm. You then risk respiratory problems, allergies, dry eyes and skin, as well as insomnia. A working fan can make it difficult to fall asleep or cause wakefulness. In addition, the whirling blades, blowing pollen and dust, can cause hay fever in some people, making breathing difficult and ultimately also preventing sleep. On top of that, dryness of the skin, throat and mouth are also a result of the cold air being blown out. The cold air can also result in muscle tension, with cramps and stiffness in the morning.

Egyptian method for comfortable sleep on hot nights

This is a surprising, but very effective and simple to apply patent. Thanks to it, you will feel a pleasant coolness and fall asleep without any problems even when the temperature is very high. All you need is an ordinary sheet. Then you need to soak it and squeeze it thoroughly. The best will be one straight out of the washing machine after spinning. Covering yourself with it, it will be much easier for you to fall asleep.

Of course, the material will dry out quite quickly, but you will have managed to fall soundly asleep by then, and the risk that the heat will wake you up is much smaller.

Japanese technique for sleeping in the summer

The second way is an idea from the Far East. Here we take advantage of the fact that the heated air is lighter and rises upward, while that near the floor will be cooler. That’s why in summer it’s a good idea to move to the floor and sleep on a mattress.