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How to Properly Store Meat: Avoid This Mistake That Promotes Bacteria Growth


Proper preservation of meat is essential to avoid health risks.

Meat preservation is a crucial aspect of food safety that we can all make a difference with in our daily habits. It’s amazing how a simple measure that many of us neglect can actually promote bacterial growth. It’s all about properly sealing meat before storing it in the fridge. If we store meat without a lid or in loosely sealed packaging, fluids from the meat can enter the fridge, increasing the risk of cross-contamination.

A storage mistake that should not be repeated

Do you think you are doing the right thing when you reuse the packaging of meat you have bought? Meat from butchers or supermarket meat departments is often packed in leaky packaging, which can leak blood or juice and create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria in your fridge. In addition, the refrigerator is a humid environment . This also contributes to the spread of bacteria. There is also a risk that the juice from the meat will leak out and contaminate the rest of the food. The fridge is therefore a space where a wide variety of foods are stored.

If raw meat liquid comes into contact with other foods such as fruit, vegetables or cooked food, it can contaminate them.

This is called cross-contamination. This phenomenon is particularly dangerous because contaminated food cannot be cooked before use, allowing bacteria to multiply and in some cases cause foodborne infections. Good preservation is therefore essential.

What is the right way to store meat in the fridge?

To avoid these risks, it is advisable to put raw meat in reusable containers, especially glass containers. Make sure they are tightly closed. Do not hesitate to mark the date of purchase on the box and eat raw meat immediately after purchase. If you plan to eat the meat within three days, the fridge is sufficient for storage.But if you plan to store the meat for longer, it is better to freeze it to preserve its freshness, flavour and avoid bacterial growth. Finally, if the rule applies to red and white meat, smoked salmon or ham should also be put in airtight containers.

Bacteria can also spread if you don’t.