Tips for the home

Important Tip for Drying Laundry Outside in Summer: Avoid One Mistake


Do you ever dry your laundry outside in the summer? Absolutely! It’s sustainable, cost-effective, and practical. One thing to watch out for, though, is…

If you have access to a balcony, garden, or courtyard, hanging your washed clothes out to dry in the fresh air is the best way to go in the summer. This way, your clothes will dry quickly, you won’t have to worry about them getting in the way in your apartment, and you’ll be helping the environment if you avoid using the energy-intensive dryer.

Another reason to hang your laundry outside in the summer is that fresh laundry contains a lot of moisture, which then gets released into the environment. If you dry your laundry indoors, it can make the air more humid, which can lead to mold growth.

Drying Laundry in Summer: One Mistake You Should Avoid

So far, so good. One last thing: don’t hang or lay wet clothes in the sun. They’ll dry in no time, but there’s a downside: When UV radiation hits wet or damp fabric, a chemical reaction occurs. This forms hydrogen peroxide, which is a bleaching agent. Bright colors will fade, and the clothes will either have stripes or get stained.

Tips for Drying Clothes Outside in the Summer

Here are four tips for drying clothes outside in the summer without any issues:

  1. Hang colored clothes in a protected, shady spot.
  2. Just turn the clothes inside out.
  3. Once your laundry is dry, take it down.
  4. If you have a pollen allergy, it’s best to dry your laundry indoors. This is because pollen could stick to it and then be carried into your home.

Sunlight: Nature’s Bleach

Sunlight is great for removing stains. It can even help with stubborn stains on white clothes. For example, it can get rid of oil stains, tomato stains, grass stains, strawberry stains, and turmeric stains. It works like a natural bleach, destroying the dyes that cause the stains.

The key here is to act fast. As soon as you notice the stain, wet it and lay it out in the sun. To avoid uneven bleaching, make sure the whole garment is in the sun. Just a heads-up: This method only works on white cotton or linen fabrics. You can also use sunlight to get rid of yellow stains on pillows.

Drying Laundry Indoors in Summer

Not everyone has the option of drying their laundry in the fresh air. If you’re hanging your laundry indoors in the summer, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. If you can avoid it, don’t hang your laundry in the basement. It tends to be drier in other rooms, so it’s better for drying laundry.
  2. Rooms without windows aren’t great for drying laundry because the moisture can’t escape.
  3. Spin your laundry well so that it’s not so wet when it dries.