Tips for the home

Killer snails are coming: a simple kitchen trick gets rid of them


Slugs can be a major nuisance for garden owners, but a common ingredient from the kitchen can help you get rid of them.

It turns out that salt is an effective solution for controlling these slug pests in your garden.

Express Report.

Salt acts by dehydrating snails, leading to their death. When salt is sprinkled on a snail, it draws water from its body through osmosis, effectively killing it.

Use salt wisely

Although salt is a powerful ally in the fight against slugs and snails, it must be used carefully to avoid damaging plants and soil.

It is recommended to spread a small amount of salt directly on slugs, preferably in the evening or early morning when slugs are most active.

Another way is to create a barrier by gently sprinkling salt around the base of plants or in beds.

This can deter slugs from crossing the salt line. “However, be careful not to use too much salt as it can damage plant roots,” adds the expert.


You can also mix a solution of salt and water (about a tablespoon of salt per liter of water) and spray it directly on the snails.

This method allows for a controlled application and can be particularly useful for treating large areas.

It is important to remember that excessive use of salt can lead to problems with soil salinity, which can harm plants.

Use only as much as is necessary to control slug populations.

Focus on areas where slugs are most active, such as damp, shaded areas in the garden.

Combine with other slug control methods such as copper tape, diatomaceous earth and natural predators such as birds and frogs.