Tips for the home

My Lilies are producing “beautiful white blooms” again thanks to advice from an expert


The problem most people find is that when they bring the plant home, the flowers die back and very often don’t return.

The plant expert assured “you can easily change this” but, first, he claimed growers feed their peace lilies a plant hormone known as gibberellic acid.

Natural plant hormone “forces the plant to bloom” but this substance “wears off” over time and the flowers die off.

Regardless, peace lilies can rebloom if certain conditions are met. You can get a peace lily to bloom a handful of pretty white flowers again in the autumn.

Gorgeous plants “will normally flower twice a year”

So don’t get frustrated when your plant is not flowering in the middle of summer.

Giving the plant as much natural, indirect light as possible is one of the main things this plant needs to send out flowers.

Try to place them as near to a window as possible so they get at least six hours of bright, indirect light.

Placing the plant near an east-facing window (if living in the northern hemisphere), if possible, where it can receive the morning light.

Evening sun, however, could scorch the leaves, which will only damage the plant.

You might have noticed that a peace lily is a thirsty plant. In order to ensure recurrent blooms: Water about once a week during the spring and summer, but always check the soil first.

Watering your peace lily correctly will impact on whether you’ll be able to get it to flower again.

Overwatering or under-watering will lead to a stressed plant that can not store energy for later flower growth.