Tips for the home

New Cooling Method: Material That Reduces Temperature Without Air Conditioning


With the heat wave we are experiencing in our country, getting into a car that has been left out in the sun is a very unpleasant – if not dangerous – experience. But a new invention can make it a little easier.

The Problem with Car Heat

Under the sun, the temperature inside a car can reach very high levels – even over 50° Celsius – and sometimes even dangerous levels. To counteract the effects of this problem, it is essential to open the windows immediately before turning on the air conditioning.

The Revolutionary Solution

However, a new invention is coming to help with the problem to some extent. Two students have developed a revolutionary new material for lining the interior of a car that can reduce the temperature by up to 9 degrees Celsius without the need for air conditioning.

How the Material Works

According to the students’ study, recently published in the journal Science, the material works by reflecting sunlight to dissipate heat and prevent it from building up inside the car.

Benefits of the Discovery

This discovery promises not only greater comfort and safety for passengers, but also environmental benefits by reducing reliance on air conditioning and thus energy consumption.

As such, it has the potential to transform the way we manage heat in an enclosed environment, providing a sustainable and efficient solution to combat high summer temperatures.