Tips for the home

No More Weeds in Your Front Yard… Eliminate Them with Eggshells!


The weeds and tares that grow through the house can cause the house to look stringy, making it painful to look at.

Mowing the grass is another task that requires a bit of desire and time, which can be even more distressing when it grows back so quickly!

Through a post on the Facebook page by Hassan Khalid, tips are shared to kill grass in an efficient and easy way.

“You hate grass and plants but have no time to mow? You can try this tip, it doesn’t even cost much.

“The best thing is that when it rains, the soil will not be splashed on the wall until it becomes dirty,” said Hassan.

1) Egg nest box (prepare according to the size of your yard)

1) Place the egg boxes on the ground, arrange them next to each other and make sure the sides overlap.

2) Pour water over the egg boxes that have been arranged until they are wet, let them become soft.

3) Then massage the egg boxes so that they are flat on the ground, ready!

4) Now the egg box layer will block sunlight from reaching the surface of the soil as well as help grass growth.

Netizens reply

“Good advice! The egg box can last up to a year, no reputation, goodbye grass. Again, rainwater is happy to seep in because the nature of the egg box is like paper, not the front of our house.

“Lagi cun buat macam ni daripada letak batu kerikil dan sebagainya, nampak estetik, konsep ala industri begitu,” demikian kata sebahagian warga maya.