Tips for the home

No Need for Poison: Try These 7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mice


We all love having a house full of little mice, but if they start to take over your home, they could become a breeding ground for nasty diseases! The good news is that there are plenty of easy, natural ways to get rid of them. Check out the tips below and start getting back to a healthy, mouse-free home today!

Rats are one of the most annoying rodents. They can freely go in and out of the house and litter the kitchen, even stealing food left on the table.

Besides being annoying, dirty and like to steal food, mice are also very disgusting. This rodent can even transmit diseases that are quite dangerous to humans.

Many people use rat poison to repel mice. However, repelling mice with poison can be harmful to pets such as cats or dogs if they are accidentally eaten.

You may need a natural way to eliminate mice at home. This is done so that cats, dogs or other pets are not exposed to rat poison, which is quite dangerous.

1. Use a mouse clutch

Mouse traps are the easiest way to chase mice out of your home. According to Good Housekeeping, mousetraps are one of the most effective ways to remove mice in your home.

Place mousetraps in vulnerable areas of the home, such as along walls and behind garbage cans.

2. Find where the mouse enters the house

The next natural way to get rid of mice is to find the entry point where mice can enter the house.

Before mice can settle in a house, they must find a way in. Basements, attics and cracks around windows or doors are possible entry points for mice.

3. Peppermint oil

It turns out that mice do not like the smell of peppermint. Rats will run away when they smell this scent. This, of course, can prevent mice from wandering around the house.

You use it by soaking a cotton ball in peppermint water. Then, according to several sources, they spread these cotton balls throughout the house. Especially in places where rodents often come in and out.

4. Use aluminum foil

Aluminum paper scares mice and they run away from your home. Believe me, objects that can be easily picked up by mice just need to be wrapped in aluminum foil. Because it is impossible for this animal to hold it because it is afraid or doesn’t like the sound.

5. Chilispray

This spray contains hot chili peppers that will help you keep mice out of your home. When mice smell this pepper spray, they feel a burning sensation in their eyes and nose.

To make this spray, you need chopped habaneros, chilies and water. Dissolve and add to the bottle immediately. Spray this spicy liquid in different parts of the house frequently visited by mice.

6. Use dish soap and Tabasco sauce.

You only need one cup of dish soap, one tablespoon of Tabasco sauce, a spray bottle and water.

Spray this solution on places where mice nest and on their paths in and out of the house.

7. Buy a cat

It is well known to almost everyone that cats and mice are two hostile creatures. Keeping cats can also keep mice in the house.

This is a natural way to eliminate mice indoors. Good luck!