Tips for the home

Removing Years of Oven Grease in Half an Hour: Tips from Kitchen Experts


We all know how it is with the kitchen at home. It’s always in use, and that means it gets dirty pretty easily. And then there’s the oven. Once we’ve finished cooking something with oil or grease, it sticks to the hot walls and makes cleaning a real hassle. If you’re one of the many people who have to deal with this, I’ve got just the trick for you. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s got baking soda as the star of the show.

Just like the other things we use every day, the kitchen oven is a real challenge when it comes to eliminating accumulated grease, even more so after several years. In that sense, the use of chemical products often becomes the ideal choice, but direct contact with their processed ingredients puts skin care at risk. To avoid both situations, there is a novel cleaning trick capable of finishing it in less than an hour, all thanks to baking soda.

How do you put this cleaning trick into practice?

Who hasn’t had to clean the oven in the kitchen, a task that generates certain annoyances in most people because of the amount of hours they have to waste on this task. Solving it can be effective if the right industrialized products are used, but their high price and the quality of their results do not usually go hand in hand. For this simple reason, the baking soda cleaning trick promises to remove it in an environmentally friendly way.

Faced with the appearance of grease adhered to the walls of the kitchen oven, the best solution is found in an unthinkable product. We are talking about sodium bicarbonate, a chemical element that is widely used in homemade preparations and to soothe stomach discomfort. However, it turns out to be the key to this cleaning trick due to its high pH level, which produces an abrasive effect on any kind of dirt.


  • Baking soda
  • 1 sponge
  • 1 scouring pad (non-abrasive)

To carry out this cleaning trick, the first thing to do is to sprinkle a little baking soda on the glass of the oven stove. Subsequently, with the wet scouring pad we remove it to create a homogeneous paste, but you can also add a little water to create it. Finally, just let the mixture stand for 30 minutes and then remove the loosened grease with the sponge.