Tips for the home

Residents have started filling egg cartons with water. This trick helps households


Recently, a new trick spread in Slovak homes and became an internet hit. People started dousing egg crates with water, and the results have been surprisingly useful. This simple idea not only makes work easier, but also opens up new possibilities in gardening and home maintenance.

How it works.

The trick is to fill empty egg cartons with water and let them soak. Cardboard egg cartons are made from paper, which has the ability to absorb water. This keeps the egg cartons moist and they can be used as an effective gardening tool.

Use in the garden

Moist egg boxes are ideal for germinating seeds. Seeds need a moist environment to germinate and grow. The procedure is simple: place the seeds in the individual recesses of the egg boxes and then cover them with a thin layer of soil. Water regularly and keep the paper containers moist. Because the paper from egg cartons is biodegradable, you can easily transplant the germinated plants along with the egg carton to a bed or pot without damaging the roots.

Benefits to the household

Another benefit of this trick is the reduction of waste. Instead of throwing away empty egg cartons, you can reuse them, which is environmentally friendly. This trick will also help you save time and effort when working in the garden.

More tips and advice

Composting: Eggshells are a great material for composting. Adding wet eggshells to your compost will speed up the decomposition process.
Storage: if you let eggshells dry, they can serve as a handy organiser for small items such as screws, nuts or buttons.
Craft projects. Making papier-mâché out of wet eggshells can be a fun and creative activity.
The trick of pouring water on eggshells shows that even ordinary things can find unexpected uses. This idea, which is quickly spreading on the internet, is another example of how simple and eco-friendly methods can improve our daily lives. All it takes is a little creativity and a willingness to try something new, and the results can be surprisingly rewarding.