Tips for the home

Secret Orchid Fertilizer: Use Only This One Kitchen Ingredient


When it comes to fertilizing orchids, you need a sure instinct because they are delicate houseplants. We’ll tell you which household remedies you can use to fertilize orchids and what else you should be aware of.

Orchids Are Demanding Houseplants

Orchids are one of the more demanding houseplants. They are rather undemanding when it comes to nutrients. However, you should fertilize orchids regularly to support their growth. Fertilizing orchids requires a certain amount of skill, as these delicate plants do not tolerate all fertilizers equally well. The correct dosage is also important, as too much fertilizer can burn the roots of the orchid.

Dry Yeast: A Good Fertilizer for Orchids

Dry yeast is a good fertilizer for orchids because it contains not only valuable minerals such as potassium and phosphorus but also about 60 percent nitrogen. To make a simple fertilizer, simply mix dry yeast with water.

To Make Yeast Water:
  1. Dissolve the contents of one package of dry yeast (7 grams) in about 100 milliliters of hot water.
  2. Add two quarts of cold water and stir thoroughly.
  3. Allow the yeast water to cool completely before using it to fertilize the orchids.

Yeast fertilizer is suitable for terrestrial orchids, or those that grow in the ground. Before and during the flowering period, you can water your orchids with the yeast water every two to three weeks.

How to Fertilize with Yeast Water:

  1. Pour the yeast water into a medium-sized household bowl or clean bucket.
  2. Immerse the orchid, including the inner pot, in the yeast water, allowing the substrate to absorb the water.
  3. Then place the inner pot back in the outer pot.

This tip is especially useful if you have expired dry yeast at home. It’s no longer good for baking because you can’t be sure it will make a good dough, and it’s a shame to throw it away. So fertilizing orchids with it is a good compromise.

Other Household Products: Coffee Grounds and Black Tea

You can also fertilize your soil-grown orchids with two other household products: coffee grounds and black tea.

How to Use Coffee Grounds:
  1. Mix about 100 milliliters of brewed coffee with two liters of water.
  2. Allow the mixture to cool completely.
  3. To fertilize your orchids, dip the entire pot, including the orchids, into the coffee water every two to three weeks during the growing season.
How to Use Black Tea:
  1. Brew one tea bag of black tea with 250 milliliters of water.
  2. Mix the tea with two quarts of cold water.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool completely.
  4. Then, every two to three weeks during the growing season, dip your orchids, including their inner pot, into the tea water for fertilization.

Important Considerations

Use caution when using coffee and tea as fertilizers. Observe your orchids closely after the first application. If you do not see any changes, such as wilted leaves, in the days following fertilization, you can use the home remedies without hesitation.


The safest alternative to home remedies is a special orchid fertilizer, usually sold as a liquid fertilizer. You can buy them at well-stocked garden centers or hardware stores. Organic orchid fertilizers are also available online, for example, at Obi or Amazon.