Tips for the home

The tree from China that grows fast, gives good shade and its roots do not lift sidewalks


Planting a tree in your house can bring you multiple benefits. If you still don’t know which one to choose, we tell you which is the tree from China that grows fast, gives good shade and its roots don’t lift sidewalks.

Choosing which tree to put outside your house can be a complicated choice, especially if you want an option that looks good, provides shade, grows fast and does not damage the pavement of the street. In many occasions, tree branches tend to lift the sidewalks.

Which tree is native to China and grows fast?

If you want a species that grows fast and doesn’t raise sidewalks, your best option is the privet tree, which is native to China, provides good shade and does not damage sidewalks.

This tree, also called alheña elevada, ligustro, malmadurillo, siempreverde or trueno, usually grows from three to eight meters and up to more than 15 meters high. It has dark green leaves and white flowers that give off odor, but its fruit is toxic.

Regarding its care, it is recommended to water it frequently, especially during the summer and keep it exposed to the sun’s rays so that it grows in an ideal way. And it is that the privets tend to grow up to 40 centimeters per year.

Why is it better to plant native trees?

It is important to remember that exotic trees can look good in your yard, but they represent a danger to native species.

Planting native tree species can be much easier since they can adapt better to the climate of the region, require basic care and do not need excessive fertilizers for optimal growth.

In addition, they favor interactions with fauna of the site, which helps the cycle of nature and the functioning of the food chain of a given ecosystem. They also facilitate pollination of the area and have a lower risk of suffering from pests or succumbing to rare diseases and fungi.