Tips for the home

These are the cheeses that help you to have a healthy intestine, learn about their benefits


Cheese is one of the foods that are consumed daily and in most homes can not miss this delicacy, what many do not know is that the contains many benefits for the health of the human body.

The Mayo Clinic Institute notes that it takes approximately six to eight hours for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine, and the next step is to reach the large intestine, where it produces a major digestion so the whole process, from the time the food is ingested until it leaves the body in the form of feces, takes two to five days.

Cheese is known for its supply of vitamin B12 and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and potassium according to the National Institute of Health (NIH).

In an interview conducted by the media outlet CNN, registered dietitian and director of the New York University Food Lab, talks a little more about the benefits of cheese.

“Whey protein is one of the most absorbable forms of protein and contains a very wide range of amino acids (…) So this is the best choice for someone looking to build muscle, build strength and at the same time lose fat and weight,”.

An article director of nutrition for ‘WebMD’, a U.S. corporation specializing in the dissemination of health content, commented that the benefits of cheese can vary according to its kind, some contain beneficial nutrients such as vitamin A, B12, C, and K. According to the corporation, these not only help the health of the intestines, but also help with the prevention of tooth decay, heart disease and even bone health.

What are the cheeses that benefit the gut?

There are several cheeses that help with gut care. According to the magazine ‘International Dairy Technology’, the probiotics they contain help produce short-chain fatty acids, control acid balance, absorb all nutrients and protect the functioning of the intestines.

  • Parmesan cheese: is the cheese par excellence in pasta dishes and is not only a good accompaniment but also helps intestinal health and is a great ally of digestion.
  • Aged CheddarThis cheese is perfect for those who are lactose intolerant and as it matures its flavor becomes more intense.
  • Mozzarella: contains very low cholesterol and lactose content, so it greatly facilitates digestion and provides a lot of quality protein and is one of the healthiest cheeses, as reported in the International Journal of Dairy Technology.
  • Feta: this cheese is low in calories and contains phosphorus, calcium and vitamin B, which makes it a healthy food.